Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

About Wicca

Wicca, or Witchcraft, is a positive religion which reveres nature and worships diety. Magick is a practice of most Wiccans and involves harnessing and utilizing the power which surrounds and is in each and every one of us. Please keep in mind the Wiccan Rede when performing any magickal act "And it harm none, do what thou wilt". Magick should be used only for positive goals, never to harm or to control another person. Also remember the rule of three: that whatever you do shall return to you threefold. Keep your magick positive, and you surround yourself with positive energy. Use your magick to cause harm to another and you wind up bringing harm to yourself as well. Magick IS real. It DOES work. Use it carefully and respectfully and you will bring about the positive benefits you want in your life! Wicca or Witta as it was several thousands of years ago in Ireland, was a very simple, "homespun" religion, a faith of those who lived close to the earth and felt the gentle pulse of her ebb and flow. In general, most Wiccans of that time were solitary Witches, who chose to do their worship and spell work on their own. Others worked within their close-knit family groups. The items they chose to utilize in their magick were items that were readily available, the gathering of many complex tools or herbs to perform a particular spell was not done. Modern Wicca has since become more involved and complex, just as modern life itself is. Many Witches nowadays choose spells and rituals which are elaborate and quite complex; however, I prefer to use some of the more simple and basic spells and rituals, and find them to work just as successfully as the more involved spells. Whether you choose to simplify your spells and rituals or to use a more elaborate approach is up to you, it is a matter of personal choice, and one way is certainly not more correct than the other. I would suggest that you read several of the excellent books out there on herbs, gemstones, oils and incense, and spells and spellcrafting. (See my bookstore for the titles) There are hundreds, and possibly thousands of books on spells and spellcrafting. Many are quite good, but unfortunately, many are not. I certainly believe that reading books on spells and spellcrafting can do much to further your magickal knowledge and training. I would, however, offer that once you feel that you have a solid foundation on the knowledge of spellcrafting and the use of herbs, stones, oils, etc. That you should begin to experiment and start coming up with your own personal spells and rituals. I firmly believe that the more you put into your spells, the more you will get out of them, and the energy you use in coming up with your own spells will definitely aid you in reaching your magickal goals. There are many things to consider before working your spell, such as the moon phase, planetary and astrological influences, days of the week, hours of the day, and color correspondences. For example, if the spell you are going to work is to draw something to you (such as money or love), you would perform it during the waxing moon (the period of time when the moon's energy is building, between the new moon and full moon). If you desire to remove something (such as a bad habit or a health problem) you would perform it during the waning moon (the period of time between the full moon and the next new moon). There are also certain days of the week which are more appropriate for certain spells, for example, Friday (planetary ruler, Venus) is used for love magick, Saturday (Saturn) for banishing, etc... These things are important in determining when to work your magick, however in an emergency (such as healing a sick child, etc.) You can perform magick at any time, whether or not it is the correct day of the week, moon phase, etc. There are four things, however, that are absolutely necessary and essential to working successful magick: a genuine need; a deep, emotional desire; the knowledge to work the spell; and the ability to visualize your magickal goal and result. If these four conditions are present, you have everything you need to successfully perform magick. If any of these are lacking, you probably will not be able to accomplish your magickal goals. To work any act of magick, you must also charge or empower the objects that you will use in your spell or ritual. Your magickal tools should already be charged, but you will need to attune with and empower any herbs, stones, or other objects that you intend to use in your magick. This is done by holding the object in your power hand (the hand you write with) and feeling your energy and your need flow into the object. Oftentimes it is tempting to cut to the chase and begin working the actual spell without taking the time necessary to properly empower your magickal objects. This is a big mistake! It is this investment of your personal energy which makes the spell work...while it is true that magick takes place in the mind where your thoughts act upon the astral plane to form things which will manifest, most Witches use herbs, stones, etc. Which are known to share an affinity for the desired goal. The magick is not in the objects themselves, they merely act as a catalyst which helps you focus, direct, and receive energy. Spells are prayers Witches send out into the universe to effect beneficialchange. They are mental projections we either speak, write, or think. Write down spells, think about them, and read them aloud before actually casting a spell in a Magic Circle. Wording your spell correctly is important. Words are powerful instruments in and of themselves. In the form of a spell, cast in the magical setting of a Witch's Circle, they wield an ineffable strength. Before casting a spell, make sure you know what you're asking for, because once you ask for it, you're going to get it. I write spells on parchment or loose, unlined, unbonded sheets four to five inches in size. Use recycled paper for everything except for writing spells, because whatever was written there before will conflict with the spell you are writing. Any spell can be cast using three ingredients or herbs. The more ingredients you use, however, the more powerful the energies raised. Spells are also ways Witches use to protect themselves through magic. There is no doubt that harm, hardship, suffering, and struggle exist in the world, but Witches take responsibility for their own safety. We reject the belief that our lives are determined by fate or evil forces beyond our understanding. Nor do we believe that our lot in life is retribution for some evil deed we may have committed in a past life. Witches know how to defend themselves without causing harm to others. The bottom line is, we all have to live with what we create. Witches believe that whatever spell we cast out into the universe comes back to us three times; therefore, emotions like greed, jealousy, envy, or vengeance are counterproductive in magic. Instead we practice an "active resistance" against using magic for harm. We cast protection spells and know how to neutralize harm. After each spell we ask that it is "correct and for the good of all." Above all else, the Witches' Credo states: "Do what you will, and it harm none.". Casting protection spells and neutralizing harm can be practiced at any time on the Wheel of The Year, but Samhain, the dark half of the year, is often a good time to shore up your confidence and security.