Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

The Healing Goddess- Airmid

Author: Catherine Harris

"When we delight in the color and scent of blooming flowers, the heady green scent of pines and cedars, the healing power of Airmid is there. In our cups of honeyed tea, she resides." ~~ Erynn Darkstar

The Celtic goddess Airmid, also called Airmeith, is a goddess of healing. She is especially noted for herbal healing. Airmid is from the Irish race of gods known as the Tuatha De Danann.

The goddess Danu founded the Tuatha De Danann. They were a powerful race of gods. They were skilled in all areas of arts, crafts, and wisdom. They were accomplished Druids with vast knowledge of prophecy and magic. The gods became experts in all they attempted. They considered the Earth, the Mysteries, and the Spirit realms to be equally important.

Airmid was the daughter of the head physician and healer of the Tuatha De Danann, Diancecht. She had four brothers: Miach, Cian, Cethe, and Cu. Airmid's sister, Etan, was a poetess and the wife of Oghma. Airmid followed after her brothers in her love for the healing arts.

Diancecht was a jealous father. Legend has it that when Airmid's brother, Miach, began to show what an excellent healer he was their father was outraged. He drew his sword and cut the flesh of Miach. Miach healed the wound quickly and made his father angrier. Diancecht again drew his sword and the second wound was a cut that reached the bone. Miach was not stumped and again he healed himself with speed. Growing angrier by the minute the father drew the sword and this time sliced down to the brain membrane. Miach used his vast knowledge and power to heal himself once more. This healing made Diancecht blind with rage and jealousy. Diancecht drew his sword a final time and completely removed the brain of Miach, so that Miach was unable to heal himself and died. Diancecht showed no remorse.

Airmid began to visit the grave of her brother frequently. On one visit she found 365 healing herbs growing from his grave, one herb for each joint and organ of his body. Airmid picked the herbs, and to her amazement the herbs spoke to her. The herbs told her their secrets and healing powers. Airmid separated the herbs and noted their healing properties. Again, her father's anger and jealousy was aroused. When he realized what his daughter had done he mixed the herbs up, and he vowed that no one would ever have full knowledge of the herbs healing powers again.

Airmid and her brothers helped build the Well of Slaine, also called the Well of Health. The well became known as the Heapstown Cairn, and it was so named after the second Battle of Moytura. The Well of Slane was created to restore life to warriors killed during battle. The wounded warrior would be dipped into the well and life would return making him fit for battle. During the second Battle of Moytura the opposing side filled the well with stones in order to stop Tuatha De Dannan from healing their warriors. Legend has it that the site is still guarded by Diancecht and his sons.

Airmid resides in the mountains of Ireland where she heals elves, faeries, and humans. She uses practical knowledge and magic to bring health and happiness to those she touches.