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The Fateful Night

Since the movie "Titanic" came out, more people have shown an interest in the R.M.S. Titanic. Everyone wants to know as much as they can about the doomed ocean liner. So on this site, I am sharing my knowledge about Titanic with anyone who cares to read it.

What song did Titanic's band play as the ship went down? Many people thought that the band was playing "Nearer My God To Thee." No one wanted to let go of that belief, because it seemed like a perfect ode to the great ship and the people who went down with it.. But, it was impossible for them to have played "Nearer My God To Thee." Since the Titanic was a British liner, they would have played the British version of "Nearer My God To Thee." American and British passengers alike claimed to have heard the band playing that song. For the band to have played the American and British version was not likely. In the movie "Titanic," the song "Nearer My God To Thee" is played as the ship went down. We know that didn't really happen. It was heard from a reliable source, that the band played a song entitled "Autumn." Junior Wireless Officer Harold Bride, when questioned on the issue, casually replied,"It was Autumn." There was a hymn with that name at the time, but it was rarely used. In fact, it was omitted from hymnals in 1914. But there was a song called "Songe d'Automne" which Bride could have been referring to. "Songe d'Automne" was likely the song that the band played.
The historical accuracy of the new movie, "Titanic." There are quite a few things in this movie with are historically incorrect. 1) The love story. A 1st class passenger and a 3rd class passenger could never fall in love, let alone meet. The gates between the classes were always shut, and they could not mingle. 2) The song played as the ship went down. As I said before, in the movie, the song "Nearer My God To Thee" is played as the ship went down. This is incorrect. "Songe d'Automne" was really played. 3) No officer shot any passengers. Some officers did shoot guns, but no passengers were killed from this. They shot the guns off to the side of the ship. 4) The omen that the voyage was doomed. When the Titanic was leaving Southhampton, the suction of her engines pulled the ship New York from its moorings and the Titanic and New York were inches from collision before the engines were stopped. This was left out of the movie "Titanic."
For you Titanic/Leo-Maniacs who are reading this site, I guess I should say that I heard Titanic is coming to video on September 1st (not year 2000) and it is a 3 tape set. I saw it on one of those home-shopping network for $19.95.

For now, this is all I have on this site. When I figure out something else to put on here, I will. Keep checking back, because I'll try to update this site as much as I can. E-mail me and tell me what you think.

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