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The R/C Homepage of Singapore

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Indy Car car perspective.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Hi ! It is so long that I have not updated my files cos busy these few years.

So sorry that I could not really have enough time to make my homepage as good as the others but I do hope you could have patience while downloading.

The HomePage I am creating is basically shared by me and my friends, who loves Radio Control stuff. Really sorry that I am not familiar with html stuff and etc. and if you think you have any ideas that could improve my page, you can e-mail to me or sign-in as my guest in the guest book.

Before you go any further, here are some things which you may need to know :

1.This site is always being updated !!November 2nd, 2000

2. Yes ! you can make your suggestions to me and I will always welcome !

3. Right now, I have not create my page fully but you will assured that this homepage will be updated as soon as possible to my ability.Pls check into my website frequently for updated information and latest pictures taken from Singapore Racing!

4. Pls remember to bookmark my homepage and thank you very much.

5. I will be creating a new homepage totally different from this page with alot of exiting images and pictures and also about hobbies in Singnet website. Look out for the link in the near future! You can also send us pictures about your hobby and your pets too! I will publish them for you.

6. Look out for this icon for more updated news added.

6. Hello, I will also be adding new pics to my web pages and hope you can share some of my RC control experience. Do give me your suggestions!

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sorry still under construction

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