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Wendy;The Real Me

Welcome to my page. It's not the best thing on the Web, but it's mine, and I like it.
My name is Wendy, I'm 19 years old, and live in South Central Pennsylvania.
Hey everyone!! Well I finished my first year of college, with honors, and made the Deans List . Yay me!! If ya wanna check out my college click here. I go to Randloph-Macon College in Ashland VA. I'm back at school now. It's lots of fun. Went through RA training, and that kicked butt. Anthony and I are now engaged, which is so cool. I'm so excited to start planning my wedding. We're not gonna get married until we're out of school which is good. So if anyone has any ideas, please email me, I'd love to hear them :)
My website is just here to provide me with a little bit of a creative out let, and for my friends that don't live close to keep tabs on me, that's only if I keep the page updated. And soon enough I'm going to change it into a Anthony and Wendy Wedding webpage, just to keep the family updated, and all they have to do is check the web :) which is going to be a good tool.
Anthony, I LOVE YOU!!
Jessie and Jo You're my girls and I love ya!! To all my friends from Randy Mac I'm glad to be back, lets make this year rock, and make it another fab year. Steph I miss you. STACEY I LOVE YA!!!! :)
I hope you Enjoy! Please feel free to IM me!! AOL IM WEnDIE211 Thanks for visiting the REAL ME. Thanks for visiting the REAL ME!!
Read my Poetry
Photo album 1
Photo album 2
Photo album 3
Photo album 4
Anthony and Wendy Engagement Pictures
Some of my Fav. Quotes


WeNdY eMeRiCk

Oh yeah one more thing...
Soccer is LIFE!!

The Weather in Hell Tina the Troubled TeenUncle Hyman

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

I'm a Green Tree Frog!
These little frog s are grass-green colored, usually with a creamy colored line running from the jaw along the flanks. Males make a really loud noise thats a bit like quacking, which is sometimes known as a "rain call" because they tend to make a lot of noise before rains, but which can also be stimulated by external noises. They eat an assortment of bugs including crickets, moths, and flies.

What kind of Frog are you?

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