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Stuff You Want Info On

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Right now you are probably asking yourself, "what is this page all about?" Here we offer answers to questions you always wanted to know about.



To grab your attention, I'm going to talk about the most interesting topic on my page, mayhem! Mayhem is a term used for "vandalism" so to speak. Mayhem is a fun way to pass the time at parties. Good forms of Mayhem are those such as egging houses all the way to stealing lawn ornaments. When you first start you should start with something small like putting sealwrap across the street. If you you really wanna jump right into it then start breaking peoples stuff but watch out for the piggies! Make sure when you are doing these things that you dress in black and other dark colors. Don't be loud, you don't want your neighbors to wack up. Do this where their is a lot of trees or other objects that you can hide behind. When you do this with a friend, you should make a meeting point or a back up story just incase you get caught.


I know that you know some games to play at parties like "Spin the Bottle" and other crap like that but this game is a good trick to play on people at parties. Ok, it really isn't a game, it is just a trick but it's funny as hell! First you take an empty soda can for each person who is participaiting in the trick (don't tell them it's a trick though). Take one of the cans and burn the bottom of it with a lighter untill it gets black. Give that can to one of the people in the group. Tell the poeple that if they follow your directions that they will feel like they are inside of the can. Go into a dark room. Tell everybody to draw a circle on the bottom of the can with their finger. Then, tell them to use that same finger and draw the circle on their face. Repeat that step several times but with a different shapes. Turn on the lights and look at the black stuff all over your friend's face!

A game me and my friends made up is a rough game called "Bat's and Vampire Hunters." This is a hard and rough game so don't hurt yourself. First you are going to have two teams with a equal number of people on it. One of the teams should have a sheet or cover for each member on their team. The team with the sheets will go in a dark, black room and hide. The other team will go into the room once the other team is done hiding. The object of the game is to beat the crap out of each other. The team with the sheets (the bats) will try and cover a member from the other team (vampire hunters) completely with the sheet. The vampire hunters have to try and rip the sheet out of the bat's hands. Once you are coverd by a sheet or have your sheet taken away from you, you will be dead. A bats can revive his or her player by covering their dead team mate with a sheet. Sorry hunters you can not revive your players. Once one team is completely dead the game is over. When the game is over, the teams then switch roles. This is a rough game and I sugest you play it in a big room. If you have any questions or comments on this game please email me at Have fun and don't hurt yourself!!!


Ok, first of all, I have nothing against people who get home school. This is just a section of my web page that I thought would be funny. These or not the oppinions of Angelfire or of their workers. This is not ment to be offensive. Enjoy!


People who have home school are not completly in touch what goes on in the world. With my incounters of people who have home school and later go into public education, I have been able to make some oppinions on them and home shcool itself. Let's take a look at the most serious case of home school syndrom that I have seen in year. The young boy in this story, let's just call him Mike, had just come into high school as a freshmen after having home school most of his life. The first thing that stood out about Mike was his clothing. This young man had tight, 80's style, off brand, 10 year old pant's on. His shirts ranged from Bugle Boy to Bugle Boy to Bugle Boy! This boy had the same shirt one every day but in different colors. Mike's hair was a big stand out also. His hair cut looked like the modern day Ringo Starr. This boy did not know how to shave either. The young man had razor cuts all over his face! Now to the nity grity. THIS BOY DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SEX!!! Mike did not know what masterbaition was and he had never seen a naked woman in his life besides his mom (eeewwww). Mike is still in high school trying to become the chess club captian. That's it for now, we will keep you posted on this ground breaking story.

I know there is not much on here, but that's because I just started on January 15, 1998 So, bookmark this page and check it out later. Don't forget to sign my guestbook.

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