Pictures of the people of Mill Creek

Mill Creek - A development, or small neighborhood where everything is peaceful, pretty, and perfect. Maybe a little too perfect. Filled with small children, swingsets, swimming pools, and 5 teenagers who go through hell.

Beth - The new girl in the development. 17 years old.

Andrew - Modest, very attractive 17 year old. Stuck between 3 hot chicks, and a new girl who he just can't get enough of.

Jen - Attractive, African American girl who pretty much runs the neigborhood with her two friends. Brown hair, Brown eyes. 18 years old.

Rae - Loud, opinionated, popular. Brown, chin length hair, hazel eyes. Thinks she's the best of the best. 17 years old.

Alana - The beauty of the three. Light blonde hair, fiery blue eyes. An attitude that could kill anybody. 16 years old.

And of course, no story of mine would be complete without a lil bit O' Carter. Here is the winning group picture submitted by Kelsey Miller, Age 14.

Mill Creek
