Cast Members

Kate: Age 21, from Conneticut

"I was really disappointed that the variety of people on this show was so slim. The only person that was from a different country was Mike, and he's from Canada. I really like Lori. She seems quiet, but I'm sure I can snap her out of that. She seems like she'd be a great friend."

Victor: Age 22, from Texas

"Normally I'd be thrilled to live with 4 chicks, but from what I've experienced in life, girls are petty, and annoying, and the four of them will probably fight a lot. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Mariah duke it out with somebody."

Cameron: Age 19, from Nevada

"So I came in late, replacing somebody, but I really think I'll like it here. Mariah and Mike are wild. Warren is sweet. Victor is quiet, but still opinionated, and Kate and Lori area very welcoming to me. Mariah cracks me up. That girl looks for fresh meat wherever she goes."

Mariah: Age 18, from California

"I'm a Cali girl. I've surfed, tanned, partied... everything stereotypical of a Cali girl. I'm hoping people will give me a chance here. I'm only 18, haven't even been to college yet. I'm pretty inexperienced. I HAVE to room with a guy."

Mike: Age 20, from Ontario

"Canada is cool. It's funny to see how many people think I live in an igloo. I can't believe we're living in a castle now. My friends won't believe this."

Warren: Age 23, from North Carolina

"Mariah and Kate are a riot. When I first got to the house, they were arguing about why Mariah shouldn't room with a guy. Mariah isn't my type though. Too pretty. Too giggly."

Lori: Age 19, from Arizona

"I'm probably too quiet most of the time. I was the last one into the house. I said my hello's... shook some hands... and started to stare at this place. Now I've been labeled, 'The Quiet One'."

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A picture of Mariah from her prom.

Charmed, I'm Sure
