
"Carrie is gone. Nobody tells me anything, so I can't tell you why she left." - Mariah

"I'm still pretty confused about this whole situation. I mean, it's only been two weeks." - Victor

"Carrie only really told me why she left. And I'm not sure if I really have the permission to tell everybody else." - Warren.

"There's nothing secretive about it. When I found out I was going to live in this castle, I knew about this other oppourtunity that I had. I wasn't sure if it would come through, but it did. I got accepted to a school out of the country, and I won't have another chance like this for the rest of my life." - Carrie.


"So when does this new person arrive?" Mariah asked, sitting next to the pool in her string bikini. "And do we know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"Any minute now." Mike jumped out of the pool and wrapped a towel around his waist. "They didn't say, but whoever it is, his name is Cameron."

"Vic wants it to be a guy."

"Vic hates chicks. I haven't figured out why yet, but he really, really hates chicks." - Mariah

"I'm gonna go leave the front door open really wide so she gets a good first impression of us."

Mike laughed as Mariah skipped out of the pool area, all the way to the front door. When she did, she was surprised to see a very tall woman, standing in the doorway with a backpack over each shoulder, a huge duffle bag at her feet, and a suitcase in her left hand. Mariah screamed in her face, startled, and the girl screamed right back.

"Holy *beep* this chick was 9 feet tall! She's like, Kristen Johnston with platforms!" - Mariah

The girl smiled warmly and stepped inside with all ofher things. She kicked her duffle bag through the door. "Hi, I'm Cameron." She stretched her arm out and shook Mariah's hand.

"We weren't sure if you were going to be a boy or a girl." She smiled and grabbed one of her backpacks from her.

"You guys have a pool?" She asked, noticing the fact that Mariah was running around in a bikini.

"Oh my gosh, Mike and I are gonna have to give you a tour."

Cameron nodded and kicked her duffle bag another four feet across the marble floor. Her hair was dark brown, and almost reached the middle of her back. It was pulled into two french braids, one on each side.

"I came into the foyer and thought, 'Wow this girl is beautiful.' But not in the same way that Mariah is attractive, this girl is like a model." - Mike

"Hi I'm Mike." Mike put his arms out and gave Cameron a hug instead of just shaking her hand. He was probably the friendliest person in the house, him and Mariah.

Mariah grabbed Cameron's other backpack and started to run up the stairs. "Ok here's the deal. Kate doesn't like me, so she's moving to another room, away from mine. Their's 19 rooms in this house, and if I don't have somebody nearby, I'll freak. So I'm begging you to take Kate's old room."

Camerona laughed and followed her. "Ok." She agreed, not really having anything else to say.

"Mariah and Mike were so much fun the minute I came int he door. They were both half naked and full of energy. But there was nobody else around besides a few camera men, and that bugged me a little." - Cameron

Cameron threw her bags down on the large, maroon canopy bed and started opening them, eager to get unpacked.

"So how old are you?"

"19." Cameron pulled a sweatshirt out of her duffle bag and slid it over her head. "This is my favorite shirt." She smiled proudly.

"How tall are you?" Mike asked, standing next to her, comparing heights. He was only an inch or two taller.

"I'm 6'1".

Mike's eyes widened. "You play basket ball?"


"Everybody ALWAYS asks me that when they first meet me. And then they're totally surprised when I tell them I've been playing ice hockey since I was 5." - Cameron

"I figured we might as well get all the questions out." - Mariah

"Are you a girly girl?"

"No. I have 7 brothers at home. There's never any time to be a girly girl." Cameron walked towards the door. "So, where is everybody else?"



"They sleep a lot." Mike smiled.


Within 12 hours, Cameron finally met everybody in the house. She took a very quick liking to Kate, and the two of them were standing right next to eachother in the pool. The roommates already had a tradition of swimming every night together. And, playing truth or dare. Ever since the first week, they were hooked on the game.

"It seems like Katey, Lori, and Cameron are already a click. It kinda sucks because I thought I'd have a new girl to hang with. By the way, Kate gets really mad when you call her Katey." *Winks at camera* - Mariah

"I really like the girl. She's low maintenance, she plays hockey, and she had to kill a spider for Mike a while ago. Now that's a woman." - Victor

Mariah was in her hot pink string bikini, like usual, Kate in a black halter/shorts suit, Lori wore a one piece, black suit, and Cameron was on a red halter top suit with a smaller, botton piece, tied at the sides. All the guys were wearing baggy, shorts, mostly black, Mike's had a bright purple stripe on the side.

"Hey Mike? Can I ask you something?" Warren asked, leaning against the side of the pool.

"Make it a truth or dare."

"Alright, Mike, truth or dare."

Mike smiled. "Dare."

"No, common."

"Ok Truth."

"Alright, Why the hell is your bathing suit streaked with the gay pride color."

Mike looked shock. "You just totally mocked the suit! That's something you never do."

Mariah rolled her eyes. "Yeah ok, Tinky Winky."

Mike shoved her underwater. "Ok, Lori, truth or dare."

"Dare." Lori shrugged.

"Ok, I dare you to make out with Kate."

Lori shook her head and made a face. "No way!"

"You have to!" Mariah laughed and clapped. Lori gave her a dirty look. "Ok... death glare. Onto the next dare.

Mike shook his head. "We'll make a new rule for this game. The only way you can get out of a dare or a truth, is by passing it onto another person."

Lori laughed. "You just wanna see two chicks make out!"


"So kill me, I was really disappointed cause I figured she'd do it. It's just a kiss." - Mike

"I'll do it." Cameron shrugged and turned to Kate. "Get it over with?"

Kate nodded. She leaned in, put her hand on the back of Cameron's neck, and they kissed.... and kissing. Mike even started to count. When he got to 11, they stopped and parted.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Now THAT'S a woman!" - Victor

"I'm living with a bunch of juvenile little boys who get excited by watching chicks makeout." *Looks around him* "No, I'm not saying I didn't get a major *beep*. I'm a guy, what do you expect?" - Warren

"Ok so now it's my turn since I took that dare, right?" Cameron looked around and watched everybody nod. "Ok, Warren, truth or dare." She smiled.

Warren sighed. "Dare, I guess. I'm not ready to reveal any deep dark secrets."

Cameron laughed. "Good cause I suck at making up questions. Ok. I dare you to switch bathing suits with Mariah. But, you have to do all the switching. She has to just stand there."

Warren blushed.


"Uhm, does Mariah get a say in this?" Mariah asked, refering to herself in the third person.

"No." Mike laughed and watched.

Warren looked down, nervous as to what he should do first. "Wait, but won't Mariah end up with no top then?"

"Yeah. Mariah doesn't wanna show her boobies just yet." Mariah shook her head.

"What are you talking about girl? You were skinny dipping with Mike and I last night!" Kate laughed. "Just let him do it. It might be the only lovin you'll get while you're here."

"Hey, I can get lovin if I want too."

"It was so bad. Warren was scared to death to touch me. But I have to admit, I liked it. But alas, in the end, I was left there, topless, covering my boobs." - Mariah

"She was all like, 'Yeah you know you liked it'. But I think she was really shy about it, and nervous. That gave me a better impression on her. I learn something new about Mariah everyday." - Warren

"They're so going to hook up." - Mike

"He said that? Oh no." *shakes head and laughes* "There will be no hooking up of anykind between Mariah and Warren. Although I can't speak for Katey and Cameron. Woo hoo!" - Mariah

"Ew, that girl needs to shut up. One of these days I'm gonna knock her on her ass and she won't be woohooing then." - Kate

Cast, See who Cameron is.
Charmed, I'm Sure
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click
