Episode 2

"So we all decided to go to the grocery store together to get the stuff we needed. Keep in mind, I said, together." - Kate

"Kate's all bent out of shape because Mariah, Carrie, and I all decided to skip the store and hang out in the park down town." - Mike

"They really need to grow up." - Kate

"But then again, who's Kate to tell us what to do. She doesn't even know us." - Carrie

"So I guess that's when we all decided to play a questions game." - Mariah

"Alright guys, it's getting pretty late and I have we all have job interviews in the morning. So let's do this ok?" Kate dropped the little slips of paper onto the middle of the trampouline that was in the game room. The rest of the cast was sitting on, or laying on it.

They had all written down 7 questions, one for everybody, including a special secret that they wanted to reveal about themselves.

"I wanna pick one first." Lori reached to the middle and grabbed a piece of paper. "Ok, this is for Mike. Easy question, when did you lose your virginity?"

Mike looked around.

"Come on, Mike. Answer." Mariah nudged him.

"I'm totally a virgin."

"Mike, a virgin? He's the biggest hornball in the world." - Carrie

Mike looked around at everybody as they laughed. "You're not gonna believe me anyway."

"Yeah we will. Just tell us." Kate pushed the papers towards him. "Then it's your turn to pick."

"I was 13."

Mariah laughed. "Oh yeah, I believe you. I would have expected younger."

"Mariah is really playful. I hope somebody wrote down that question for her. I wanna know how trampy she is." - Warren

Mike grabbed a piece of paper and opened it. "Warren, Do you have a girlfriend? Ew this is cheesy. Who wrote this?"

Warren shook his head. "We broke up right before the show." Simply stated.

"Was she pretty?" Lori asked, leaning over to him a little bit.

"I bet she was gorgeous. Was it hard to break up with her?" Mariah handed Warren a piece of paper.

"I promised my ex-girlfriend, out of respect for her, I wouldn't bring her into the show in anyway. Some people need a personal life. And she is one of them" - Warren

After Warren explained, off camera to his roommates, the situation of privacy involving his ex, it was his turn to ask. "Lori. Are you a virgin?"

"No. Who's question is that?"

Mike spoke up. "I couldn't help it. It's always the young blonde chick that's the virgin."

"Hey, I'm not the youngest one here." Lori laughed and picked up a paper. "Kate, are you a lesbian...oh... I don't think she should have to answer that if she doesn't want to."

"I knew right off the bat it was Carrie's question. Like she felt some need to get things about me out in the open. I guess that was the point of the game but I was a little pissed. If I wanted people to know about my sex life, I would have told them already." - Kate

"Thanks Lor, but I'll answer. I don't consider myself a lesbian. I have a girlfriend, but we've never slept together. She's my first girlfriend." Kate glared at Carrie and carefully picked a paper.

"I could see my handwriting from the outside of the paper and I wanted to ask my own question to Carrie." - Kate

"Carrie, do you think you have a bigass mouth?"

"I know I do. It gets away from me sometimes." She shrugged.

"I swear that girl is only gonna get along with Lori and Warren." - Carrie.

"Mariah...How old were you when you first boinked a guy?" Carrie looked at the paper. "Those are the exact words."

Mariah slapped Mike. "I wonder who could have written that."

"I didn't!"

"Sure. I'm a virgin. Seriously. I haven't had the best relationships with guys."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked, mixing up the papers again.

"My last boyfriend beat the shit out of me when I said I didn't wanna have sex. And there were other things before that with other guys. And everybody wonders why I want to stay a virgin." She laughed lightly.

Warren shook his head. "That's horrible. Nobody should ever be treated that way."

"I never would have guessed that about Mariah. I feel really bad for her." - Warren

"Ok so..." Mariah picked a paper. "Victor, I've noticed you don't like chicks. Why?"

Kate laughed. "Can I just explain that one?"

"It's yours?"

"Yeah. You said last night that chicks are petty. You told me that's what you said in the confessional."

"They are Victor shrugged. "They fight over guys, they won't go anywhere without putting on makeup, and they're just... really small. They act to fragile. Half the chicks I know sit there and talk about women's rights and then they still expect us to pay for their dinner."

Kate sighed. "Tell you what, I'll take you out to dinner tomorrow and I'll pay. How's that sound?"


"I think the game went on for too long. It lasted 3 hours and by the time it was done, everybody was sick of eachother. Not a good way to start." - Carrie

"It was a cool idea and I think I know everybody a lot better." - Victor

"I'm gonna teach Vic a lesson about women. Then see if he ever calls us petty again." - Kate

"I'm glad everybody knows about my problem with guys. The only people back in California that knew were the guys themselves, and my brother." - Mariah

"I'm going to have to change my ideas about Mariah. She might be loud, cooky, and beautiful, but inside she's really quiet and shy." - Warren

"Carrie was all pissy at the end of the game. It was like she had revealed too much about herself." - Mike

"Kate answered a question about friendships, and it really scared me. After the game, I realized that Mariah and I are a lot alike. Who knows what's gonna happen now." - Lori

Charmed, I'm sure

Email: mryuck@csrlink.net