Chapter 2

When I was thirteen my mom and dad insisted I talk to a psychologist once a week. They were convinced that I was depressed because I was spending too much time by myself. I don't think they realized that I'd been spending time by myself my whole life. I had one friend that I can remember. We were very close until we went into third grade and she realized I was one of the lower life forms of elementary school.

With a history like my own, you can be sure that I was shocked when Isaac actually called me. I answered the phone and he asked if he could speak to Adora. I told him it was me and we talked for a few short minutes before he asked if I wanted to get together sometime and hang out.

My first instinct was to say no. What could I possibly have in common with him? Not to mention I had no idea what two people do when they "hang out". Sit, talk, eat? Then one runs away ten minutes later when they realize the other is a giant loser.

"Please?" He offered, "I can meet you at the mall."

"Right. Return to the scene of humiliation. Great idea. Should I bring a hockey mask just in case?" I smiled and finally agreed, not really knowing what else to say. Besides, he was cute and nice and... he actually called me. The only time a member of the male species had ever called me was in tenth grade when a boy in my geometry class wanted to warn me about some whaling boats he saw the day before. I had to give it to him, that was pretty creative.

Isaac told me he would meet me in the food court in an hour and I agreed. Then, it was off to my bedroom to find something suitable to wear for "hanging out". I scanned my closet and sighed when I realized my wardrobe consisted of the ugly fat clothes you have to settle for when the pretty ones don't come in your size.

I've often wondered who the hell decided that the minute you go over a size 12 you're doomed to wear poofy sleeves, bathing suits with skirts, and tapered leg, stretch jeans for the rest of your life. And my parents wonder why I was depressed. When I started having to buy clothes from a catologue and having to pay an extra five dollars for an extra large, I began to look down upon myself. I figure the extra five dollars is a punishment that the skinny beautiful people instill upon the extra larges of the community. If you have the audacity to be fat, you deserve to be damned into the fashion victim kingdom for the rest of your life.

I think I settled on a pair of black flares and a red t-shirt. After looking in the mirror and deciding there was no hope in making myself look better, I ran my fingers through my long curly hair, trying desperately not to make it too frizzy. No such luck. I growled and pulled it back into a low ponytail before leaving the house.

After three songs from Aerosmith's "Pump", I arrived at the mall. I made my way to the food court and sat down at a small cafe-like table. Placing my elbows on the table and resting my chin in my hands, I waiting for Isaac. The little voice in the back of my head was screaming, "He isn't coming, loser. Give it up." I don't like that voice very much. It makes fun of me in a way far more harsh than any highschool student could ever do.

And as if the voice wasn't bad enough, cue the highschool students themselves. Three tall juniors who had been in my chemistry class the year before appeared out of nowhere and sat at the table closest to me. It made me very grateful and proud that I had finally graduated and left that school behind.

"And here we have the cow, grazing in her native habitat. The food court." The boy I remembered as Nathan, remarked.

I rolled my eyes and adjusted my large messenger bag. I was about to get up and leave when Isaac plopped down in the chair in front of me. He smiled his, big, white smile and said, "Hi".

"Hey." I smiled back as politely as I could, trying very hard to ignore the people to my left who were making mooing and oinking sounds. Cute. Very cute.

Isaac must have noticed because he touched my arm lightly and whispered. "They friends of yours?"

"Oh yeah. We go way back." I sighed.

Nathan piped up again. "Hey Adorable. Who's your friend?" He turned to his two friends. "Adorable has a date? Could it be?"

Isaac looked at me. "Why do they call you Adorable?"

"Because Bessie and Bertha were taken?"

He laughed and looked around. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

I nodded and jumped up. I was more than happy to leave the food court.

"Do you have to deal with people like that all the time?" He asked, as we unconsciously walked into the music store.

"Pretty much. I'm used to it though. But at least I'm done with that school now and I can move on."

"Do you know what you're doing for college?"

I picked up a handful of Aerosmith cds and started looking through them. "I don't know yet." I shrugged. "I don't want to rush into choosing yet. I'm just afraid I'll get there, spend a ton of my parents money, and then fail. I don't want to do that."

He nodded and looked over my shoulder. "Good cds."

"Yeah. I don't have any of these. I have such a long way to go before I have every Aerosmith album. They're definitely my favorite. I just don't know which one to get. I can't choose between 'Rocks' and 'Gems'. And, dammit, I've still never bought 'Nine Lives'."

Isaac nodded. "I'd go for 'Gems'."



I grinned and put the stack of cds down. Then I went up to the cashiere to purchase it. I went outside and waited in the hallway while he bought whatever it was he was buying. He came out smiling and handed me his bag. "What's this?" I asked, taking it and looking inside.

"You really shouldn't let your collection go without those two."

I pulled out "Rocks" and "Nine Lives". I stared at them for a few seconds before holding them out to him. "Isaac, I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't want you to just go into a store and buy me things. It's not right."

"Well," He began and put the cds back into the bag, "How about, next time we come here, you can buy me a cd. Sound good?"

I sighed and hesitantly took the bag from him. "Two. I owe you two."

"Deal." He laughed lightly and shook my hand. "Billy Joel and Phil Collins."

I cringed. "We'll work out the details later." I laughed back and for once felt comfortable talking to somebody. I barely even noticed when he grabbed my left hand and gently laced it with his own.

Adora Lane
My Other Stories
