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How Spike Came To Be

by Danielle a.k.a

Disclaimer I do not own the characters of Spike, Drusilla or Angel, they belong to Joss Whedon, The WB and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm only responsible for the ideas in this story. The other characters metioned are not real and do not represent anyone.

The date was September 2, 1897, William walked down the London streets that had begun to bore him. Lately, the only thing to do in town was to pick a fight with some bloody mate who he had no reason to fight with. He had almost enjoyed a night at the local pub, drinking with the boys....but that became boring too. Everything bored William, he wanted to explore the world, wreak havoc without anyone around telling him what to do. He was not the nicest type of guy in the world, but many were intrigued by him. Many girls tried to get close to his heart, but William would have none of that. A girlfriend was a bloody waste of time to him, because he had always felt women were naturally unfaithful because of the way his mother had walked out on his family with another man.William came to a stop at the end of the street. A man and a woman were approaching him. He couldn’t get a good look at them but he could tell that the man was looking for a fight. William always knew when there was trouble, never knew what kind, but always had a feeling beforehand. He got a better look at them. The guy was tall and had dark hair. The woman was beautiful, something he hadn’t seen in a long time. She had an innocence to her look, a lost little lamb. William was hoping for trouble now. He could beat the guy to a bloody pulp and walk away with the girl....not that it would matter, he’d just use her and dump her anyway. At least, that’s what he initially thought he would do, something drew him into her. There was just something he could not grasp about this woman, something wasn’t right. There eyes met as they crossed the street from opposite sides. He heard her whisper something to the guy. William kept walking. He was surprised he hadn’t gotten into a fight after all, but that was the last thing on his mind. There was something about that girl, something that made him want to be that man. William heard a noise, he turned to investigate but there was no one there. He continued walking until he heard the sound again. William turned around and saw the man standing in front of him. Who the hell are you? William asked. The man replied, Angel, and don't’ worry, this won’t hurt a bit. Angel grabbed William and bit into his neck. The last thing William saw before he passed out was the face of the girl Angel was with..........smiling and laughing.

William came to about an hour later. Angel and the girl were standing before him in a dark shed. Angel turned to William and said for a moment there, I though you’d never wake up.Feel’s good, doesn’t it?. William didn’t reply. He felt strange, there was something different. He jumped up and grabbed for Angel’s throat. The girl ran over to them and said Now, now, calm down pet. Angel laughed and William pulled away, he couldn’t think of one reason why he shouldn’t just rip both of their throats out but he still listened, her voice was sweet, too sweet, it sickened his soul with happiness, something he didn’t like much. Maybe you ought to explain it to him,hmm?the girl said. All right, all right, I just wanted to have a little fun with him first. Angel replied. Ok, here’s the deal, you’re a vampire, you feed on human blood, they do exist , any questions?Angel asked. Angel, he’s just a boy, he doesn’t understand. the girl replied. What’s your name sweet? the girl asked. William he answered. I’m Drusilla, Drusilla touched his lips, Poor thing, you must be scared Drusilla said. I don’t get scared William answered. You’re a vampire, luv, do you believe in vampires? Drusilla asked. Um..yeah, bloodsuckers..why not? William answered. Enough already, let’s get him his first kill, You take him Dru, I have something to do, I’m leaving the country for a couple of days. Angel said. But Angel.. Dru said , Don’t but Angel me, it’s pathetic, take care of William the bloody over here, he’ll make a perfect vampire.Angel screamed onto Drusilla. Angel left the room, with a smile on his face. Dru made a noise, a sound that William knew meant she was hurt. That bloody bloke had hurt her feelings, vampires with feeling, now that was a concept. You’ve got to get rid of that bloke.William said to Dru. Angel loves me, he’ll make it right, I know Dru answered. No , he won’t, he’s using you, you’re too pretty to let blokes like that walk all over you, luv William said to Dru. He’s mean to me sometimes, I want to go to Prague, they have pretty gardens there, do you like jasmine?. If you want to go to Prague, then go to bloody Prague William answered. Dru whimpered.What is it, luv? William asked. I asked if you like jasmine, what about daisies, do you like daises? Dru asked. William began to realize that Dru was not the most mentally stable person in the world.

William and Drusilla came to a railroad, a drunken boy perhaps in his teens sat by the tracks. Hmm...He’s perfect Dru growled. William walked towards the boy, prepared to make his first kill. William picked up a railroad spike and approached the boy. Drusilla watched as William got closer and closer. William stood in front of the boy now. Who are you? asked the boy. William ignored him. That’s a nice jacket , mate William said, looking at the boy’s black long leather jacket. Give it here! William said as he flashed the railroad spike across the boy’s eyes. The boy handed the jacket to William. William put it on, Oh, a perfect fit William exclaimed. William moved closer to the boy. The boy looked at him with his eyes locked in pure fear. William raised the spike and stabbed him in the chest. You can check in mate William said, but you can’t check out and bit into his neck. The boy instantly died. William walked over to Dru. Spike Dru purred. Who the bloody hell is spike? answered William. You are, my sweet replied Drusilla. I like it, Spike, it makes me feel all manly Spike said as he smirked. It was getting light, Spike and Dru walked off into the darkness, ready to go home.


Continuation of How Spike Came To Be
