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December 3, 1999

__Popular .SCMs


__Terran Factions
__Terran Buildings
__Terran Units
__Terran Heroes

__Zerg Broods
__Zerg Buildings
__Zerg Units
__Zerg Heroes

__Protoss Tribes
__Protoss Buildings
__Protoss Units
__Protoss Heroes

__Past .SCMs
__Downloadable Files

__Tech Support


Wednesday, 12/8/99 - 4:30 P.M.
Alright, i gotta tell ya sumpin, this webmastering is hard work DAMNIT!! I will put this site on hold since i am working of a whole new layout/sections for hsps. so please bare with me and visit some of my sections here instead of waiting for updates. sorry.

Wednesday, 11/3/99 - 1:51 P.M.
Once again, there is a new patch out. It really only has minor fixes on it, but you have to download it to play on bnet so go download it already!!

Thursday, 9/30/99 - 12:14 A.M.
Hey!! Guess what, there is a new patch out! I don't know if this fixes the bug where the comps only collect minerals or not, but it says "minor fixes" in it. So thats cool, and the patch layout changed to match with this one. Visit it here.

Thursday, 9/23/99 - 7:10 P.M.
Well, i got the terran buildings up, along with the terran subsection. I am gonna work now on the zerg, then protoss, and whatever i feel like doin after that.

Also, if you haven't noticed already, my South Park site got a new an AWESOME layout. Check it out!!

Saturday, 8/28/99 - 11:19 A.M.
Well, looks like blizzard got ahold of my .scm section and took it down... guess i had too much info on it. Well, from now on, i will have the link up and pic, so go to blizzards site for the .scm of the week.

Also, I have to go to school Monday... so updates will be very slow. I haven't updated in a while because i have been workin on my star wars site with funjunkie. We still got LOTS of work to do.

Saturday, 8/07/99 - 2:18 P.M.
Got the .SCM of the week up, hence the past .scms are updated.

Wednesday, 7/28/99 - 1:15 P.M.
Well, i added the link list over the the right ( ---> ). So you can see what sections are left, and what i need to do yet. I got the .SCM of the week up.

Past News
Protoss Tribes
Zerg Broods
Zerg Buildings
Protoss Buildings
Brood War Files Files
List of Starcraft Hotkeys
Beginners/Newbies section subsection
Zerg category
Protoss category
Terran Units
Zerg Units
Protoss Units
Terran Heroes
Zerg Heroes
Protoss Heroes
Italisized: Working on now
Strikout: Finished
Strikout/linked: Finished and ready for public viewing



©1999 This page has no affiliation with Blizzard Entertainment. All Starcraft images are copyrights of Blizzard Entertainment. All info on any of my pages are from the Blizzard Entertainment Website, or the Starcraft Info book that came with the CD-Rom. Please do not steal any of my html without asking, because if you do ask, chances are i will let ya. Webmaster of this page is Hornet. Best if viewed with Netscape or Internet Explorer. Best if viewed at a 800x600 resolution.
