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Terran Factions

___The Terran Cofederacy consists of nearly a dozen planets within the Joprulu Sector. The primary worlds within th Confederacy are Tarsonis, Tyrador IX, Brontes, Chaur Sara, and Dylar IV. The Military Squadrons that strive to protect the Confederate worlds consist of ex-criminals from all over the Sector. Many warriors are forced to undergo the rigorous process of Neural Resocialization. This process reprograms even the most hardened criminals and converts them into loyal and stalwart defenders of the Confederacy.

Omega Squadron "the Death's Head Legion"

Commander: Lt. Commander Gregory Reikson

Designation: Heavy Assault Squadron

Base of Operations: Dylar IV

Squadron Color: Black

___The Deaths Head Legion is renowned throughout Confederate space for its unrelenting savagery in battle. Only called upon in severe crisis situations, the Legion's warriors fearlessly enter any battle against the enemies of the Confederacy. The Legion is mainly comprised of ex-criminals who have been resocialized and now selflessly give their lives in service to the society that they once threatened

Nova Squadron

Commander: Colonel Jackson Hauler

Designation: Black Ops. / Espionage Squadron

Base of Operations: Mobile

Squadron Color: Purple

___Mystery and intrigue always seem to surround the enigmatic Nova Squadron. Charged with policing the other Confederate Armed Forces and gathering intelligence on the myriad Pirate Militias, Nova Squadron often find themselves in the middleof some new conspiracy. Mistrusted and shunned by their fellow warriors, Nova Squadron keeps on the move, constantly seeking to undo the considerable political sabotage and corruption that runs rampant through the government of the Confederacy.

Alpha Squadron "the Blood Hawks

Commander: General Edmund Duke

Designation: Advanced Tactical Strike Squadron

Base of Operations: Chau Sara

Squadron Color: White

___Alpha Squadron prides themsleves as being the "first group in and first group out" of any hot zone. Their lightning quick attacks on unsuspectiong enemy encampments have gained them a notorious reputation. Their skill and precision in quick tactical maneuvers is evident as the fatality rating of the BLood Hawks is the lowest amongst the Confederate forces. Smoking craters, scorched earth, and piles of enemy bodies are all tell-tale signs of their ferocity and efficiency in battle.

___The Pirate Militias operate outside of Confederate control, lawlessly ravaging bordering worlds and outlying colonies. Many of the Pirate groups contain large, self-supported armies that fund themselves by exploiting vast resource deposits upon the many worlds within the Sector. These Pirates have little respect for the colonies they ravage or the worlds which they rape of resources. They constantly vie not only with one another, but also against the Confederacy that constatly threatens to shut down their reckless operations.

The Sons of Korhal

Commander: Acturus Mengsk

Designation: Renegade Activist Coalition

Base of Operations: Mobile

Squadron Color: Red

___One of the founding worlds upon which the Confederacy was built, Korhal has been a hot-zone of anti-Confederate sentiment since its inception. As civil violence ensued against the Confederate forces on Korhal, the Confederacy decided to make an object lesson of the Colony. A massive nuclear strike decimated Korhal. leaving the Confederates unchallenged by any other Colony, Arcturus Mengsk, a one-time Confederate Prospector, founded the Sons of Korhal in order to topple the corrupt Confederate institution and build a new system of government that would benefit all Terrans within the sector. Mengsk's methods and tactics range from harch to nefarious. Heralded by radicals as a visionary and a patriot, Mengsk is seen by the Confederacy as a terrorist and a madman.

The Umojan Protectorate

Commander: Minister Jorgensen

Designation: Neutral Protectorate

Base of Operations: Umoja

Squadron Color: Aqua

___The people of Umoja have choses to remain seperate and autonomous from the Confederate worlds. The Umojans consider themselves to be an enlightened people, harboring obvious contempt for their sister colonies that submit to the near-fascist yoke of the Confederacy. The Umojans have retained a strong military force unknown as the Protectorate that keeps other factions from interfering in Umojan affairs. The Protectorate seeks a truce with the Protoss, believing that the elder race can teach them the mysteries of the greater meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

The Kel-Morian Combine

Commander: Gen Mah Sakai

Designation: Mining Coalition/Renegade Pirate Group

Base of Operations: Moria

Squadron Color: Green

___The Kel-Morian Combine is comprised of two powerful organizations: The Kelanis Guild and the Morian Mining Coalition. These two groups, both with questionable ties to the Confederacy, have banded together in order to maximize their ability to drain the resources from numerous worlds within the sector. The Combine is the largest non-Confederate organization operating within Terran space. Equipped with thousands of armed troops and hardware, the Combine strictly enforces its myriad territorial operations. If is rumored that the Combine actually supplies the Confederacy with fuels and resources. So great is their political influence, the Confederate forces have been banned from prosecuting the Combine for any potentially criminal action.