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Welcome to my Hell


Hmm...About the Goth Goose crap....I'm NOT goth, I HATE labels. I'm my own person, an individual, and I can't careless what you think. I created this page for fun, not to make people think i'm so goth..cause I'm NOT. Another thing...I'm NOT a mansonite. I like his older music, who cares? And if it's about the makeup...I do that for fun. I don't do it how he does. Anyhow, I do not devote all my time online to update a stupid webpage so immature people like you can sit here and mock it. I have a life...and better things to do with my time, not to mention responsibilities like caring for my son. Mock it all you want...but I DO NOT want you to e-mail me..I will just delete it! I don't wanna hear your immature comments. I like my page...and that's what matters.