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The Vermicious Kanids

Rats (Rats D. Punkless[Irrational/Skabbys]/Sid Nimrod/Cid Spikez/Wile E.):
Now 18 Rats is a full-time student at ULVN and is majoring in film. Shortly
after 11th grade Rats dropped out of the punk scene and withdrew from the
'zines and bands. Real name: Sidney W. Kohler. Straight from Rats: "I'm 18
now and I'm in college. I look back on what I did and said from about '92-'98
and it's pretty cool for a kid but that's not what I want to do forever."
Claim to fame: Pink Lincolns Web Site

Fungus (sXe Driact):
Still completing high school, Fungy is now a junior.
Fungus still listens to punk but has since quit several bands. Now Fungus is
looking to reform Eighty Six and start a swing band. Real name: Marcia Lymon
Straight from Marcia: "I still like punk and Eighty Six didn't break up. We're
just busy with school."
Claim to fame: Herself 

Splint (Skeet Mucus/Tom Bomb/Bybary):
Unfortunately and very sadly Vermicious Kanids and Skadogfish bassplayer
Splint died last year in October at age 20 of a fatal mixture of alcohol and
pills. Real name: Paul T. Sampson 

Dr. Marten (Goff/Puck/Jetz):
No one has heard much from Jetz after taking off to become a drunken squat
punk. No longer in a band, Jetz dropped out of high school and was seen 
hanging downtown. Real name: Dan E. Lewis

Crop Circles (Johnny Too Bad): 
Johnny quit music at 16 and returned to school. Johnny now works at Burger
King for minnimum wage. Johnny still listens to punk but claims to be cut-
off from the lifestyle. Especially after the death of friend and bandmate,
Splint. Real name: Jonathan M. Brookes. Straight from Johnny: "I'm not into
the whole scene. I cut myself off. I needed break. Maybe I'll go back."
Claim to fame: Skadogfish

Other players: Vicki- still in school/now a bassplayer, Hikes- graduated
with honors and attends Princeton, Dan Yell- started a short lived goth
band and now attends college, Five Finger Javvy- last seen working the
register at 7-11, Beth- moved to Arizona and dropped out of school, Rat
Junction Records- shut down after Rats's "withdrawl", Getchoo 'Zine- still
hangin' around in back issues, The Irrationalz- broken up with one 7",
Vermicious Kanids- broken up with two 7"s, Eighty Six- still hangin' around,
Skadigfish- After three years and two full l.p.s they called it quits, and
sometimes late at night you can still hear the muffled cry of bands, 
people, 'zines, and labels that are no longer:

The End
for now.....

Thanks to everyone that helped along the way and was there for us all.
