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All Kinds of Sites for Science Curriculum

Ocean Curriculum

* MI-Net * Over 24 K-12 Marine Topics to Choose From: Check out: It's a powerhouse of marine resources for teachers and students. It's topics range from Oceanography (all types), to downloadable activities for teachers. Other marine topics include: oceanography activities (downloadable), ship building, marine archeology, marine transportation, marine terms/acronyms, ask the marine expert, world ports, marine communications, marine activists links, newfoundland fishery, marine gallery of species, newfoundland fishing methods, (fisheries development), fisheries management, marine environment, provincial fisheries, marine careers, marine geology, aquaculture, marine safety, lets chat, fish facts, franÁais links, marine navigation

* Education World * celebrates 1998 -- The Year of the Ocean

LESSON PLANNING: Celebrate the Year of the Ocean -- Eighteen activities for students to practice their math, geography, science, and language skills while learning about the world's oceans!

CURRICULUM: A "Sea" of Resources on the Internet! Education world explores a sea of Internet resources ---at primary, intermediate, and upper grade levels--- that will bring the ocean into your classroom! Come surf with us!

BOOKS IN EDUCATION: The Kingfisher Young People's Book of Oceans -- No library should be without a new ocean atlas for students

* Theme Units *

Greentown Elementary has an Oceans Unit and Links to Ocean Sites by: Pattie Knox<>

Warning -- the music at this site takes a long time to download - It is "Down By The Sea" and plays over and over the whole time you are there.

About Music Sources and Copyright: It's from Laura's Midi Heaven at: :

"The file links and files posted here are from other websites or newsgroups or submissions by e-mail. I trust that all are in the public domain or free of copyright restrictions. Only non-profit sites such as personal pages, churches, etc... can use MIDI files such as TV and Movie themes, Rock songs and other copyrighted files. Only original compositions can be used as corporate background sounds and then only with the consent of the creator."

All Kinds of Science Links for Curriculum

Got any Questions? Find out by going to:

Ask KidsConnect - is the question-answering service for K-12 students. All the questions are answered by volunteer school media specialists. Students can expect an answer just like the one they would get from any librarian - it'll include references for books, periodicals, and Internet sites. They won't "do the homework", but they will provide lots of great resources. KidsConnect is sponsored by the American Library Assn. and Microsoft, and it's also free, like AskERIC.

AskERIC - (resources for education information): (homepage) (virtual library) (question form)

AIMS (Activities Integrating Math and Science): A well-known (but expensive) science program. If your school/group is considering a "kit-based" approach to science education, you should certainly check out the AIMS program.

American Museum of Natural History

Classroom Connect - For a book of educational sites for kids, and sites for teachers, get a copy of Classroom Connect's A+ Yellow Pages, for either K-6, or 7-12.

Curriculum - A List of Internet Curriculum Resources

Earth & Sky Online daily science radio series Earth & Sky is heard by millions of listeners on over 950 commercial and public stations and their translators throughout the United States. It can also be heard in Canada, the South Pacific and on a variety of international networks, including Armed Forces Radio, World Radio Network and Voice of America. Each day, Deborah Byrd and Joel Block discuss popular science subjects that affect our everyday lives. "

EDsOasis - web sites for kids/teachers --Where you will-- Find Education Treasures, Share Effective Strategies, Build Community....

Encarta Lesson Collection - Nearly 400 lesson plans and student activity sheets are available for free at the Encarta Lesson Collection site

eSchool News web site

IMSEnet - continues to review and update links to the best science instructional materials on the World Wide Web for classroom instruction as well as a variety of K-12 interdisciplinary web resources on a monthly basis.

Mr. Wizard - Everyone should know who he is or get to know him

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Education website:-- NASA On-Line Resources for Educators provide current educational information and instructional resource materials to teachers, faculty, and students. A wide range of information is available, including science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education plans, historical information related to the aeronautics and space program, curent status reports on NASA projects, news releases, information on NASA educational programs, and useful software and graphics files. Educators and students can also use NASA resources as learning tools to explore the Internet, access information about educational grants, interact with other schools that they are already On-Line.

NASA Spacelink:-- For additional information, please send a message to: <> NASA Spacelink is one of NASA's electronic resources specifically developed for use by the educational community. This comprehensive electronic library contains current and historical information related to NASA's aeronautics and space research. Educators can utilize Spacelink which provides electronic access to NASA educational materials, news, and reference data as well as educational produtcts, images and computer software that can be useful to educators, students, and general public. Spacelink also provides a powerful search feature and links to other NASA educational sites throughout the Internet.

NASA Quest: The Internet in the Classroom:-- NASA Quest is an electronic resource specializing in providing programs, materials, and opportunities for educators and students to use NASA resources as learning tools to explore the Internet. Quest is the home of NASA's K-12 Internet Initiative, one of the electronic resources that the Agency has developed for the educational community.

Sharing NASA program, if you want to stay informed about new opportunities send an E-mail to: <> In the body of the message, please write these words: subscribe sharing-nasa For additional information, E-mail: <>

Videotapes, For information E-mail: <>

NASA Television:--NASA Television (NTV) is the Agency's distribution system for live and taped programs. It offers educators and students a front-row seat for launches and missions, as well as informational and educational programming, historical documentaries, and updates on the latest developments in NASA research.


National Air and Space Museum

National Science Teachers Association

Neuroscience for Kids - It's a K-12 site with lots of resources for students and teachers. It was created by an anesthesiologist at the University of Washington.

Nickelodeon .The site is "Nickelodeon's online educational resource for teachers. The purpose of this site is to inform preschool, elementary, and middle school teachers about Nickelodeon's daily educational television shows through Cable in the Classroom. This is where you will find easy to use curriculum based classroom materials for all Nick's educational shows and initiatives."

Power Point Slide Show that illustrates a simple way for Introducing the Internet to your students. Use this lesson for training their teachers as well as K-12 students.This slide show includes safety rules that you should discuss with your students as well as a simple lesson format to follow. Questions?

Puzzle Maker -- for teachers to use in class - great resource

Science Centers and Science Museums

Science Center Check out the latest on-line resource for teachers! The Science Center was launched earlier this week, and is dedicated to providing teachers with the materials and resources they need to effectively discuss scientific and environmental topics in the classroom. The Science Center features great lessons plans and classroom activities, provides educators with a Teacher Lounge where they can share information and discuss the latest issues and features an electronic mailing list which keeps teachers up-to-date on the latest news and events. Questions?

Science Learning Network - "The Science Learning Network explores how telecomputing can support inquiry-based science education."

Smithsonian Institute

Teachers Net occasionally covers science topics but it may be of more general interest to teachers.

Teachers Resources A total of 18 web sites are listed. Many if not all, have sections for lesson plans.

The Discovery Channel School site will keep you informed of upcoming science-related programs ). The bulletin board and email lists are appropriate for all teachers. ASSIGNMENT DISCOVERY: Raging Planet. Tape and use the programs free until June, 1999! For more information see the RAGING PLANET Theme Page: Don't forget our NEW Discovery Channel School web address: Try our newly updated Resource Finder, which lets you search for videos, lesson plans, and classroom activities: For neophytes or for a general refresher course, see How To Use Discovery Channel School's Web site:

The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) - sponsoredby the U.S. Department of Education. You can search for curriculum materials by subject, keyword or grade level.

The Math Science Nucleus (MSN) has Free Science Curriculum available online. MSN is a 15 year old Non-profit group devoted to providing educators with guidelines for science curriculum.Available as free downloads in PDF (portable document files) format are: 1. K-6 Curriculum - look under curriculum\k-6\universe 2. Lesson of the Week - provides graphics that can be used for all grades.

The Science Spiders we focus on the harder-to-teach physical sciences using simplicity and humor.

The Why Files The site investigates and reports the science behind the news.


Web Wonders Lesson plans, lesson plans, and more lesson plans!

Yuckiest Site ON THE INTERNET - Keeps kids very busy - they love it.

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