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SAMBOP92: heeeeeeeeeeey naaaaaaaaaniiiiiiiii!

Auto response from call 1 800 fear: outta

SAMBOP92: i just can't go to sleep i am feeling so crazy
SAMBOP92: hahahahah sorry for talking to you
SAMBOP92: i've been thinking so deep about like everything
SAMBOP92: and aarron let me walk around the neighborhood with him to talk about everything
SAMBOP92: i dont think you care but i've just never been able to say stuff like that
SAMBOP92: i'm think im messed up i'm actin all weird and shit i don't know whatttttt
SAMBOP92: if i wake you up i'm going to feel so dumpin bad
SAMBOP92: if i do that just means, whenever you come down here you can punch the dump out of me
SAMBOP92: if you do
SAMBOP92: i'd much rater perfer to go up there
SAMBOP92: or up and over since your moving to CALIFORNIAA
SAMBOP92: thats like my dream place
SAMBOP92: everything is so bro there
SAMBOP92: just seems like the place for a bro
SAMBOP92: sorry damn
SAMBOP92: i just can't stop talking or thinking about stuff
SAMBOP92: i feel like i'm learning new things from stuff i already know
SAMBOP92: but i just didn't know that i knew it
SAMBOP92: like i hide shit from myself
SAMBOP92: but i don't know how
SAMBOP92: holy shit
SAMBOP92: im so weird
SAMBOP92: haha
SAMBOP92: sorry nani
SAMBOP92: i bet your gonna be excited to see a huge number of messages while you were away
SAMBOP92: i just hate how the future is so unpredictable
SAMBOP92: nothin is every really constand
SAMBOP92: constant
SAMBOP92: hahahaha
SAMBOP92: what the fuck
SAMBOP92: that sounded retarted
SAMBOP92: like
SAMBOP92: i mean
SAMBOP92: like to think i'm going somewhere in life, when in reality, i'm just doing something that i think will make me go somewhere in life when i'm just doing it to get to my destined future
SAMBOP92: whoa
SAMBOP92: thats weird
SAMBOP92: i'm just trying to think of everything possible while im in this state of being
SAMBOP92: i've never ever felt like this
SAMBOP92: it feels like a new something that i've never felt before
SAMBOP92: like you know when your happy well most of the time or when your sad
SAMBOP92: you've experienced them before and you're like i feel really down and pessimistic for example you would be like well i guess i'm sad
SAMBOP92: i mean
SAMBOP92: i don't know if you would
SAMBOP92: haha
SAMBOP92: josh's cat is funny
SAMBOP92: this is really ridiculous
SAMBOP92: i'm so sorry
SAMBOP92: i feel really stupid
SAMBOP92: i think its tight i met you though
SAMBOP92: like
SAMBOP92: you've told me a bunch of stories that i've just learned stuff from and itd be weird if i hadn't ever met aaron to meet you and then meet whoever
SAMBOP92: like the six degrees os separatino
SAMBOP92: separation
SAMBOP92: hahahrahr
SAMBOP92: i tucked aarron in bed tonight
SAMBOP92: i fixed him up a little uhm
SAMBOP92: sleepin bag and he jumped in it it was soo gay
SAMBOP92: but it was tight just cause i felt like being nice and just wanted to let him go to sleep
SAMBOP92: i just can't sleep
SAMBOP92: josh gave me these add pills
SAMBOP92: i just took one to see how it would effect me, i'm a kid i'm curioouss
SAMBOP92: sorrry
SAMBOP92: all i realy do is smoke though
SAMBOP92: i don't ever take buttloads of pills
SAMBOP92: except for when i was in 6th grade and i had this huge swell on both of my knees and it hurt to walk
SAMBOP92: that sucked dumploads
SAMBOP92: i couldn't skate for a while
SAMBOP92: but they just stopped hurting so bad
SAMBOP92: they're still there though
SAMBOP92: and it just makes me be dumploads grateful that i don't ever have to go through it again
SAMBOP92: thats totally of subject
SAMBOP92: holy shit
SAMBOP92: i really meant to stop tlaking to you
SAMBOP92: i understand if you don't want to ever talk to me again i'm so weird :-{D
SAMBOP92: i don't want you to think i'm crazy insane insanely crazy idk
SAMBOP92: life is so crazy
SAMBOP92: today felt surreal
SAMBOP92: i didn't feel like i was really doin anything

Auto response from call 1 800 fear: outta

SAMBOP92: it just felt like i was sitting there in retrospect watching everything
SAMBOP92: but it was present
SAMBOP92: deja pooo
SAMBOP92: harhahrah
SAMBOP92: i'm listening to my ipod and thinking josh is talking or someones walking into the room
SAMBOP92: i don't wanna wake anyone up, i'd feel so bad
SAMBOP92: ugh
SAMBOP92: shit i'm sorry nani
SAMBOP92: this is so weird!
SAMBOP92: hahrharhahrharh
SAMBOP92: damn
SAMBOP92: next time you see me
SAMBOP92: hahahrha!
SAMBOP92: i mean talk to me
SAMBOP92: you'll probably be like holy shit he's gonna do somethin wierd, that niggas weird!
SAMBOP92: personally
SAMBOP92: i don't want to think i'm wierd cause everyone else is just as diverse and independent to use their brain to think about the stuff that they want to
SAMBOP92: its just i'm kinda sayin the stuf i do'nt really ever say to anyone
SAMBOP92: and its funny soundin
SAMBOP92: as long as i'm shreddin i'm gonna be a happy bro
SAMBOP92: the longest conversation on aim, to myself
SAMBOP92: hrhahra
SAMBOP92: dood
SAMBOP92: only weirdos talk to themselves
SAMBOP92: i don't really want to go to bed cause josh is sleepin with his homegirl
SAMBOP92: i used to have a crush on her long time ago
SAMBOP92: don't tell him that though
SAMBOP92: the only other person that knows is aaron
SAMBOP92: he's a trooper dood
SAMBOP92: he understood all the shit i was saying
SAMBOP92: and interpreted it
SAMBOP92: i mean i think so
SAMBOP92: he let me talk alot
SAMBOP92: that was really nice, personally i would be pissed if i did this to myself
SAMBOP92: or
SAMBOP92: i was
SAMBOP92: you
SAMBOP92: and you were me
SAMBOP92: i mean
SAMBOP92: hahahrh
SAMBOP92: what the fuck
SAMBOP92: see
SAMBOP92: thats weird
SAMBOP92: i still haven't ran out of limit dump or whatever
SAMBOP92: i want to find the stimulus to make me think like this
SAMBOP92: i think thats what happened to the most famous pioneers of whatever
SAMBOP92: like all the scientists claims and inventions? and just uhhm i forgot what they were called, not evolution, uhmmm theories!
SAMBOP92: yeah!
SAMBOP92: they just like
SAMBOP92: didn't know stuff
SAMBOP92: not because they were stupid
SAMBOP92: but because they had to figure out everything from what they had and they had to use what they knew and through trial and error i guess they finally figured out how stuff came together or worked or whatever and then learned for themselves to teahc others and then there was like a standard of what you know since there was only so much
SAMBOP92: i guess
SAMBOP92: thats completely rediculous
SAMBOP92: fuck
SAMBOP92: i'm so sorry
SAMBOP92: i'm gonna feel so stupid later
SAMBOP92: i kinda think things happen for a reason
SAMBOP92: or more like
SAMBOP92: we have a choice to choose wich path we want to follow and the one we choose is our destined future
SAMBOP92: that doesn't really make sense
SAMBOP92: because if you make a decision , that that decision was supposed to be made for you so you end up being in the state that you're supposed to be in your predetermined future
SAMBOP92: then it really wouldn't be a choice
SAMBOP92: i think if we really do have a predetermined future ( i just like the though of everything being how it should be, i feel like i'm talkin to you cause i should, who knows what it will affect, ) it makes things seem easier like you don't need an answer, "Why are we here?" we're just supposed to be, like alright sweet fuckin elaborate answer doodr
SAMBOP92: harhahr
SAMBOP92: i really realyl need to stop
SAMBOP92: i'm really deeply regretably sorry about this
SAMBOP92: :-(
SAMBOP92: goodnight nani