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The Complete and Total Humiliation of All Things Republican

Please note that this site is still under construction.

Now, upon finding this site, all of you must be wondering, "What does she mean by 'The Complete and Total Humiliation of All Things Republican'?" This is a question that deserves a response.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or a member of any other political party, there has most likely been one time or another in your life wherein you got into what seems like a futile debate upon reflection. In most instances, such a debate will cause a person to marvel at the stubbornness currently presiding over society, and the ignorance such obstinacy heralds.

On Veteran's Day, 2004, my best friend and I had such a debate with the mother of one of our other friends. Instead of marvelling at the overriding stupidity she demonstrated during the course of the debate, being completely unable to corroborate her sources, my best friend and I attempted to reason with the woman. Finally, she insisted that if she had the time to do the research, she could out-debate us on the subject of our choosing, regarding the current president and his policies.

The next day, she handed my best friend the print-out of an email one of her own friends had sent her in regards to a conversation she had with her friend regarding our debate. The thing was horribly written: there were spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors liberally scattered throughout the page. What was more, she also had no facts to corroborate what she was saying, save for their religion. She had clearly not researched half of the things she had written, and on the half she had, she clearly had not checked several sources on as she was evidently satisfied with the information she found on several conservative news sources.

Over the course of the day, my best friend and I edited it for mistakes, coming up with over sixty - not counting the factual errors.

Now, I have no problem with people being ignorant any more than I have a problem with them being Republicans - both are well within the rights we have as American citizens. However, I detest and despise being looked down on as a stubborn, ignorant, and judgmental teenager, for the truth is I have only one of those qualities: stubbornness. As for the charges of being judgmental and ignorant, neither can be accurately used to describe me or my best friend, who has also been unfairly lumped into such a category. Both of us are very intelligent students - I for one am taking college-level Physics, US History, and English, as well as Advanced Spanish and Pre-Calculus. My reading level is that of a post-graduate university student, and I have a larger working vocabulary than almost every student I know. My best friend is highly intelligent, if something of a slacker, and is more devoted to causes than to the trivial busywork so many of her teachers assign.

However, I digress. The point is that we rightfully detest being told that we are ignorant and judgmental when the woman who is accusing us of such things can't even write a simple letter without making mistakes that my best friend and I knew to avoid in elementary school. We also dislike her accusing us of not bothering to do our research when her own was clearly done using conservative sources when it was done at all.

As such, this site is not for the denunciation of one woman's errors in judgment. It is for the denunciation of the groundless beliefs too many people hold and recite verbatim without a strong basis in fact, when they have any basis besides the Bible at all.

With that, I invite all visitors to my site to email me whether they are complimenting or criticizing this site. But please, when writing, keep in mind that anything you write to me becomes property of this site, to be used at my sole discretion for the further development of my arguments.

Thank you for your time and for stopping by. Have a nice day.

The Management


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