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**It's late night and your watching an ECW house show on the television. An old match is playing and you are begining to fall asleep. Suddenly the channel turns to static and it wakes you up and slowly "Original;s" appears across the screen. The camera then fades to the ring where Joel Gertner and Joey Styles are standing by...**

Joey Styles:I don't know what the hell that was about but things have been certainly tense around here since this morning it's only a few hours away from the 10 man tag team main event tommorow night on Mayhem. It's going to be amatch that will go down in the record books!

Joel Gertner:Yeah Yeah, but if you have any reason to turn into the show it's to see me, the sexeist man alive!

Joey Stlyes:Gees Joel, you are such a Jacka...

**Just then the "ECW Theme" hits the PA system and Spike Dudley and RVD come out with Sebastian standing behind them. The three are all wearing "Orininal" t-shirts and are throwing them to the crowd. The crowd gives bih cheers as the three walk down to the ring and grab mics...**

Spike:Well Well Well. It's only a few hours from Mayhem and The New Impact Players are nowhere to be seen. What a shocker, the biggest badasses in the ECW can't even back up their own words!

Sebastian:I know, these punks run around the ECW talking like they are the baddest, and strongest SOB's ever to live!

Spike:It's ok though Sebas, cause tommorow night we're going to beat the crap out of every last New Impact Player and one lucky one will even get to be suspended, what a wondeful extra. Time is running out and not one New Impact Player is to be seen, maybe these guys aren't really impact players at all, maybe their more "less" impact players.

Sebastian:**Laughs**Thats right Spike, thats right!

RVD:**In an excited tone**Hey! I've got a great idea group huddle.

**The three hudlle around eachother and begin whispering, they all laugh and continue talking. This goes on for a few minutes and finally they break apart and spike begins to talk with a huge grin across his face...**

Spike:Well RVD just thought up a great idea.**Laughs** Since our friends The New Impact Players have been such coward and won't say anything to us, we've decided to try and boost their confidence. I invite anyone to the ring.**In a serious tone**No, I dare just one person from the New Impact Players to come out here!

**The camera pans to goes to the entrance ramp to see if anyone come out. A few minutes goes by and nothing happens, the camera goes back to the ring..

Joey Styles:Well I hate to say it but it looks as if these Impact Players have turned out to be cowards but that just dosen't seem like them.

Joel Gertner:I don't know, that Paul heyman made me step on a spider for him and I think he was crying

Spike:See, they are just to afraid of the originals, not one person will...


**Tee New Impact Players Entance movies plays and "Kernkraft 400" rips across the PA system. Green smoke rises from the entrance ramp and when it finally clears THS is standing at the entrance ramp with his ring attire on and a mic in hand...**

THS:Spike I'd watch what you say, I've been listening and frankly and you can't back up one word you said. I'm sick of hearing you cry all the time and if I have to I'll shut you up right here right now!

**RVD and Sebasian step right up behind Spike and SPike glance back at them.**

Spike:**Laughs**I see your dressed to fight THS and you sure talk like you want to. Problem is I don't see anyone with you and I got my buddys with me so you go ahead and run that mouth of yours you chump!

Joey Style:You know it's look as if a fight is about to break out, but THS may have a little trouble.

Joel Gertner:I should help THS, I'm probably better then him!

Joey Styles:**Shakes head**

THS:Well Spike like I said you run talk way to much, maybe you should think before you speak.

Spike:Really well why don't you come down and shut my mouth for me!

THS:Here I come

Joey Styles:It's all going to go down right here, I can't beleive it!

**THS drops his mic and slowly walks to the ring. In the ring The originals are taunting THS but fail to see MLSWWF and ACe slip into the ring behind them. MLSWWF punches Spike and grabs RVD and puts him in a fullnelson, Ace does the same to Sebastian and THS slides into the ring and grabs Spike by the neck and throws him into the turnbuckle..**

THS:Well Spike it looks like the tables have turned! Now to tell you the truth I've got no problem with you, you seem like an okay guy really. But MLSWWF, he don't feel that way at all. See he kinda likes hurting little guys and well he want to hurt you. Now usually I would allow this but**Laughs and looks over at MLSWWF**but I'm not disagreeing with a machine like that so sorry buddy, but it's lights out!

**MLSWWF, who is now holding RVD up by his neck, walks over to THS and drops RVD. THS punches Spike in the midsection and then picks up RVD and puts him into a sleeper hold. MLSWWF picks up spike and powerbombs him and rolls him out of the ring. THS then Flatlines RVD and rolls him out of the ring. The three then corner Sebastian in the corner of the ring and THS begins to speak..**

THS:Now Sebastain we spared you cause you got to give those two punks a message! But first get one thing straight**Says while slapping Sebastian across the face**Never**Slap**disprect**Slap**us**Slap**Again! We are and always will be the best Stable in ECW and will never be brought down! This Monday when we meet we are going to wipe the mats with you chumps. See you guys can talk all the trash you want but look at the roster and look at the stats, pound for pound The New Impact Players are the best in the ECW and we hold the World Title! No matter how hard you guys try we will come on top and if it takes killing you guys I guaran-damn-tee that we do it and get the 1-2-3 and walk out the undisputed best Stable in ECW. There is no way I can let you guys win and allow some no talent punks like the originals into the Rumble. Tommorow night I'm going to beat the living hell out of every last one of you and someone is hanging up the boots for a week! Tommrow night be prepared for a war cause we are going to swarm on you like a pack of wolves and we're going for the kill, tommorow night this whole "who's the best stabe" hype is finishes and when the dust clears The New Impact Players will be the ones standing on top!

**THS drops Sebastain and ACe picks him up by the collar of his shirt..**

Ace:Sebastian, let's get serious for a minute. Do you really think that you have the ability to bring down the world champ. Really I mean you don't just go out and buy this thing you earn it by beating everyone and if I can beat everyone Sebastain then what makes you think I'll lose to you?**Ace shrugs his shoulders**I don't know what tricks are up your sleeve or how you think your going to pull it off but it dosen't scare me. When it comes down to it I am "The High Roller" and not you, not RVD, not Spike not anyone in this fed can stop me! So tommorow night when we meet just make damn sure that Ace is going to cripple your ass and there is no way to stop it, tommorow night The New Impact Players will steal the show!

**Ace hands Sebastian over to MLSWWF who lifts him up like he going to chokeslam him but hols him there. He looks up and begins to speak to Sebastian..**

MLSWWF:It's no joke Sebastian, tommorow night we're going to make all of you guys pay, tommorow night I'm going to show you what pain is, MLSWWF style. Tommrow Night my powerbomb is going to put you threw the mat**Laughs**Rest well pal!

**MLSWWF tosses Sebastian out of the ring. Sebastain slowly gets up and wakes up RVD and Spike, the three stumble into the back as The New Impact Players yell at them. The fans boo as the camera fades to black**