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GLC Youth Ministry Team


For those who aren't able to make it to the October meeting and for those who are please read/review the following and post your thoughts in the guestbook section. First item before the agenda is just a personal note from me. I'm feeling a bit streched right now between all the ministries. Probably my fault because I like to get gung-ho and go all the way with everything I do, but I need to release some of my responsibilities for my own sanity. Here are some of my thoughts:

I would like to have quarterly youth ministry work days. It could be for a couple of hours in a not-so busy time. This would allow us to do mailings, bulletin boards, calling, and other work projets with more efficiency.

I would like to devote a larger portion of my time in building up our volunteer leader core and making better use of the volunteers we currently have. In order to do this we will have to fill the two youth ministry team leadership positions.

In looking to gain a larger volunteer core I would really like to create a database of volunteers and what they would be willing to do.

I need your help and am open to suggestions of any sort. Thank you for your help in the ministry thus far. I look forward to the time to come. - Zachariah

Item 1...we will be calling two new team leaders. In the past the team leaders have been in charge of many of the duties that Zachariah now does. In order to create a strong team ministry the following positions and job descriptions have been given for the two incoming team leaders. Let us know if you think something should be added or deleted or if anyone's name comes to mind.

Team Leader : Sunday School Coordinator [est time = 30 min a week]

Job Description:

1. Ordering Sunday School Curriculum and Supplies

2. Signing and submitting Sunday School Vouchers

3. Recruiting Sunday School Teachers

4. Planning special Sunday School events if necessary

5. Finding Substitutes for Teachers when necessary

6. Working with the Youth Ministry Team to create vision for GLC Sunday School, plan to achieve those visions, and put those plans into action

Team Leader : Children's Ministry Coordinator [est time = 30 min week]

Job Description:

1. Works with the Youth Ministry Team to plan the monthly events for The Way

2. Works with the Youth Ministry Team to plan the weekly meeting for The Root and The Way

3. Orders supplies and curriculum for Together at Grace

4. Recruits hands-on help for The Root and The Way

5. Working with the Youth Ministry Team to create vision for The Root and The Way, plan to achieve those visions, and put those plans into action

Item 2...Start getting the word out! Oct 31st at 6pm we are having a Family concert featuring the Youth Encounter team, Watermark Germany. They are the Germany international team. We hope to connect with the Social Concerns team on this one. We plan ot flier the neighborhood the Sunday before if possible. Following the concert will be Trick or Canning. So wear your costumes and get ready for some fun. A free will offering will be taken to cover the Watermark Germany's travel and food expenses.

Item 3...Our budget is due October 15th. If anyone has any new line items to add or needs that should be filled please let us know.

Item 4...Please pray for much needed volunteers for the different youth ministry aspects. Also please try to think of two people in the congregation who you think would be great additions to the youth ministry and post their names.

Item 5...I would like to continue to meet in person with the Youth Ministry Team. The web postings will serve as an alternative form of participation. I will post the website in the newsletter and bulleting in order to hopefully draw in a few folks who might not come to our meetings.

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