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volume 4 issue 4

Melissa Rivers
Sighting Alert

It is definitely ok to go outside - even in L.A.  I'm sure Melissa is just spending her days getting pedicures and preparing for her plastic surgery in another 5 to 10 years.

Soon....very soon

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Just a reminder of where I stand!

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If you have to ask yourself what's wrong with this picture, please stop looking at this site.


They are funny.


Getting all the facts.


Ok. I don't know that for sure........

The Column is Updating 

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THE COLUMN is asking for a Congressional review of all helicopters built for use by the United States military.

When more soldiers die from helicopter crashes than from enemy fire, that is a problem.  It is time to accept the fact that our helicopters are not functioning in a way that is safe for soldiers during war or during training exercises.  The United States must solve this problem.





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...lapse in journalistic integrity

-  Jayson Blair
Former reporter for the New York Times, in his resignation letter due to falsifying reports and articles he had written over the last year.  This guy needs a serious slapping around.


And once again, my head might explode.

You might want to get yourself some of those chemistry class goggles so you don't get any of my gray matter lodged in your cornea.

According to a report on the DRUDGE REPORT, Michael Moore - the interesting documentary director with the crap ass politics - has decided on a subject for his newest film

W.  George W.  As in, President George W. Bush.

Going with the title Farenheight 911, Moore has decided to make a film based on, and this is the quote, "...what has happened to the country since Sept. 11, and how the Bush administration used this tragic event to push its agenda." Further, Moore plans to release the film around the time of the next presidential election.

Now, Moore wanting to make a film doesn't bother me.  Moore is just a dumb guy.  Actually, he's not dumb.  He makes some interesting films and believes in his soul that he is right and smart.  The problem is is that Moore is truly one of the foolish and outright ignorant.  

Moore's a guy who hasn't gotten over the fact that Bush is president.  He said, at the Oscar'sİ, which he shouldn't have won - but that's another story - that Bush was a fictitious president creating a fictitious war.  The fact is, Bush won Florida.  The fact is, Democrats tried to get a recount by only counting highly Democratic counties and usurping the authority of the Secretary of State Katherine Wiley.  The fact is the Democrats could not win the court cases and they could not believe that they could not win.  Mikey - when Bill Maher tells you to get over it, you know you're stupid.  

Here's my problem with Moore's new film.......

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See what else I've had to say in the past.
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Hey Tony - what the hell is the Marshall Plan?
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