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Christopher Wilson - Elizabethan Lute Music

No cover available

Album details

Label:     Ref#:  
Date:     Category:  
Length: 0:00    
Format: MP3    
Audio: Stereo    
Genre: Other    


1.   Romanesca  1:26
2.   Galliard  1:03
3.   Ground  2:45
4.   My Lord of Deliem's Lamentation  1:52
5.   Conde Claros  3:02
6.   Pavan  
7.   Delight Galliard  1:28
8.   In nomine  2:07
9.   Arthur's Dump  5:23
10.   Pavan  
11.   Galliard  1:20
12.   Fantasia  2:29
13.   Prelude  1:23
14.   Rosa  
15.   Galliard  1:39
16.   Almain  1:22
17.   The Spanish Pavan  2:41
18.   The Countess of Pembroke's Funeral  4:55
19.   Passion  1:35
20.   As it Fell on a Holy Eve  1:04
21.   The Countess of Pembroke's Paradise  3:15
22.   Lady Hudson's Puffe  1:40
23.   Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens  3:08
24.   Fancy  




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