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Queen - Sheer Heart Attack (1974)

Album details

Label:     Ref#:  
Date: 1974   Category:  
Length: 39:08    
Format: MP3    
Audio: Stereo    
Genre: Rock    


1.   Brighton Rock  5:11
2.   Killer Queen  3:01
3.   Tenement Funster  2:47
4.   Flick of the wrist  3:18
5.   Lily of the Valley  1:45
6.   Now I'm here  4:16
7.   In the lap of the Gods  3:23
8.   Stone Cold crazy  2:17
9.   Dear friends  1:09
10.   Misfire  1:50
11.   Bring back that Leroy Brown  2:15
12.   She makes Me (Stormtrooper..)  4:10
13.   In the lap of the Gods (Rev)  3:46




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