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Bach - The Essential (1991)

Album details

Label:     Ref#:  
Date: 1991   Category:  
Length: 1:07:50    
Format: MP3    
Audio: Stereo    
Genre: Classical    


1.   Violin Concerto (1st movement)  3:59
2.   Suite No. 3 (1st movement)  8:04
3.   Suite No. 3 (2nd movement)  3:56
4.   Suite No. 3 (3rd movement)  5:14
5.   Suite No. 3 (4th movement)  1:34
6.   Suite No. 3 (5th movement)  2:11
7.   Italian Concerto (1st movement) - From St Matthew Passion  4:09
8.   Branderburg Concerto No. 5 (1st movement)  10:19
9.   Aria No. 47 'Erbarme Dicht' - From St Matthew Passion  7:47
10.   Tocata & Fugue Minor  9:55
11.   Sanctus - From Mass In B Minor  5:36
12.   Ossannah - From Mass In B Minor  3:26
13.   Chorale No. 48 - From St Matthew Passion  1:40




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