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Various Artists - Rum Sodomy and the Lash (1985)

No cover available

Album details

Label:     Ref#:  
Date: 1985   Category:  
Length: 44:05    
Format: MP3    
Audio: Stereo    
Genre: Other;Folk-Rock    


1.   The Pogues - The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn  2:56
2.   The Pogues - The Old Main Drag  3:19
3.   The Pogues - Wild Cats of Kilkenny  2:50
4.   The Pogues - I'm a man you don't meet every day  2:51
5.   The Pogues - A Pair of Brown Eyes  3:42
6.   The Pogues - Sally Maclennane  2:45
7.   Pogues - A pistol for Paddy Garcia  2:29
8.   The Pogues - Dirty Old Town  3:44
9.   The Pogues - Jesse James  2:57
10.   The Pogues - Navigator  4:12
11.   The Pogues - Billy's Bones  2:04
12.   Pogues The Gentleman Soldier  2:04
13.   The Pogues - The Band Played Waltzing Matilda  8:12




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