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Free web site design templates from JimWORLD

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Thanks for choosing Free Site Template from JimWorld. I hope you enjoy our design and service. We feel that our selection of over 500 ready to go templates has set the standard for quality free web site designs.

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How to use the template

  • Just simply modify the text or graphic to fit your needs.
  • If you want to change the font type of the site, you need to have a little bit knowledge of Style sheet. But it's easy to learn. You can go to the top of the page,in about the 8th line from top, you will see <style>. below it is "body", then you can replace the font name "arial" with the font type you want. The most font used in web sites are: "Times New Roman","Verdana","Comic Sans MS","Garamond".
  • Don't forget to save your work.
Terms and Conditions

The templates are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. You are responsible for adding or editing your website's content (e.g. pictures, photos, and text) to the template yourself.

If you need help adding your information to the template please see the Free Site Templates new inexpensive customization services.

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