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The Show on May 8, 2004 turned out to be a big success! I ended up selling 6 pieces and made a total of $350. Three of those pieces are on the art page and they say how much they were sold for underneath. Hopefully I will be doing more art shows and getting my art out there!
May 8, 2004 - A body of my work will be displayed at the First South Hills High School Art Show, from 6pm - 9pm....For Address/Directions, Please contact me.
NOTICE: In the next few days, is going to be undergoing a bunch of changes to introduce " - black and white" so updates will cease until the new layout is complete. The site will remail open but will be undergoing some serious changes so links might be broken and things might be a little out of place.
FINALLY, i got my computer to work last night. So, as you can imagine, has had major additions. If you head over to the art page, you will see 9 new paintings added. And if you head over to the photography page, you will see 7 new additions there as well! So head over there as soon as you can and check out my stuff. Feel free to email me at the email provided on the contact page and tell me what you think! Check out my friends site too:
I added two new drawings to the "art" page! So head over there and check them out.....To update on the computer problem at home...I still havent got it fixed. Hopefully the CDs arrive today to fix it!
I cant beleive how long it has been since i have added/changed stuff on the site! So, for your enjoyment, I have FINALLY added stuff to the Art, now if you head over there, you will have 9 examples of my work.....more to be added. Unfortunatly, my computer is no longer working, so I have to work from a school computer. Hopefully I get it working soon! Wish me luck!
All the pages are now complete! The "about" page is fully functional and completely done. The other pages' layouts are complete, but there really isn't any content on them except the amazing works or graphic done by none only than me!
I did most of the HTML for this page, all i have to do now is upload the images and start building the other pages!
YAY, I finally got my VERY own domain! Im so freaken excited! Ive wanted one for so many years and now I have one! If you guys strangly don't remember, this is the former!


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