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Tyler James Andrews

Elementary School - First Grade (April 29, 2010)

New Pictures

Click here to see Tyler's brother, Kevin James Andrews!

Born on Saturday, January 24th, 2004 at 6:25 pm

in Seattle, Washington, USA

8 pounds 15 ounces, 21.5 inches

The proud parents: Ayano & Ray Andrews (Hmmm, they don't look tired. This picture must have been taken before Tyler was born!)

First studio visit - in a (borrowed) bright green suit!

Another studio visit on May 29th, 2005 (1 year 4 months - incidentally, exactly one year before brother Kevin joins the family!)

Striking a pose on Easter morning: Sunday, April 16th, 2006 (2 years and almost 3 months)

Tyler enjoying soap bubbles in the sink! (September 17th, 2006)

Tyler James Andrews (August 29, 2007 - 3 years 7 months)

Ray, Ayano, Tyler & Kevin Andrews (August 29th, 2007)

Tyler Andrews (August 29th, 2007)

Tyler (3 years 7 months) & Kevin (1 year 3 months) Andrews (August 29th, 2007)

Tyler on his very first day of Kindergarten - April 5th, 2008

Here are the latest Tyler pictures! (June 15, 2009)

The boys going for a spin at Misato Park (April 2009)

Riding the ferris wheel at Kasai Rinkai Koen (Park & Aquarium, near Disneyland) - April 2009

Tyler hunting for shells at Oarai Beach, in Ibaraki Prefecture (May 24, 2009)

Shimizu Koen (June 6, 2009)

Tyler enjoying the mazes (wet & dry) at Shimizu Koen with his brother and cousin, Shun (June 13, 2009)

October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009 (Tyler: 5 years 9 months; Kevin: 3 years 4 months)

Elementary School - First Grade (April 29, 2010 - 6 years, 3 months)

May 2010


Ultrasound # 1: Tyler's first picture - can you find him? (June 13, 2003)

Ultrasound # 2: Tyler on August 18, 2003 - suckin' his thumb!

Ultrasound # 3: August 21, 2003 - who does he look like, Mommy or Daddy?

Tummy portrait # 1 (January 11, 2004 - two days before due date!)

Tummy portrait # 2

Tummy portrait # 3

Tummy portrait # 4

Blast from the Past!

Tyler says, "Thank you for the cool tile!" to Maggie Moerdyke!

The proud daddy with his new boy!

Grandma (Pat) and Grandpa (Gene) Andrews (January 31st, 2004 - 1 week)

Aunt Marla and Uncle Ross Andrews (January 31st, 2004 - 1 week)

Taking things lying down!

Caught napping in his Snoopy bed!

Under a play gym

In a bear sleeper

Sittin' around in a Boppy

Passport photo - taken at 4 weeks!

It's Superman!

Napping with daddy!

One of Tyler's first smiles!

What a nice looking family!

A visit from Merle Kamin

Tyler's dedication service at Snohomish Community Church (March 14th, 2004: Pastor Tim Walton)

Getting comfortable for the long flight to Japan (March 29-30, 2004: after 65 days in the United States)

Grandma (Mitsue) and Grandpa (Noboru) Toyoshima (April 2004)

Aunt Kaori and Uncle Tetsuya Kuga (April 2004)

Sporting a very cool hat!

Taking a bath (with modesty preserved!) at the Toyoshima home in April

Children's Day: May 5th, 2004

Almost crawling! Check out the teeth!

Munchin' on some rings

Sporting a cow suit


First studio visit - in a (borrowed) bright green suit!

Aunt Kaori & Uncle Tetsuya's wedding (July 24th, 2004: Tyler's 6 month mark!)
First Picture: Tetsuya Kuga, Kaori Toyoshima, Ayano Andrews, Tyler, Ray Andrews, Noboru Toyoshima

Kaori & Tetsuya's wedding (July 24th, 2004): Second Picture: Noboru Toyoshima, Tyler, Kaori Toyoshima, Mitsue Toyoshima

Munchin' on some blocks

Munchin' on daddy's cell phone!

Playing with a cool toy

Very happy to see Pooh-san!

Crawling (this only lasted about 3 months, from just after 6 months to 9 months, when he began walking)

Our family car: Nissan Cube (from October 2004 to September 2006)

Soka Park # 1 (December 2004)

Soka Park # 2 (December 2004)

Soka Park # 3 (December 2004)

Soka Park # 4 (December 2004)

Studio Portrait with white border (December 11th, 2004)

Reading with Daddy

Tyler's first Christmas! (2004 - #1)

Tyler's first Christmas! (2004 - #2)

Tyler's first Birthday - January 24th, 2005 (party was on January 23rd) #1

Tyler's first Birthday - January 24th, 2005 (party was on January 23rd) #2

Toys R Us(1)

Toys R Us(2)

Under the cherry blossoms in front of our apartment - early April 2005

Tyler's first zoo experience: Tobu Dobutsu-Koen (Tobu Zoo), April 14, 2005

Tyler with Mommy and Daddy in Soka Park during Golden Week (May 2005)

Tyler on his new Thomas tricycle!

At his favorite artwork with Mom at Matsubara-Danchi Station, where "Up"means up and "Mamai" means down (June 25th, 2005 - 1 year & 5 months)

Studio visit on May 29, 2005 (exactly one month before Kevin joins the family!)

Another studio shot on May 29th, 2005 (1 year 4 months)

Taking a walk with Kaori-chan (who will become a mom in July) and Baba (May 2005)

Eating ramen (can you tell?) - June 2005 (#1)

Eating ramen - June 2005 (#2)

Eating ramen - June 2005 (#3)

What a smile! Playing at Honoka-chan's house (Tyler is 1 year 5 months, Honoka is almost 1 year) - June 24, 2005

Enjoying a bath (Summer 2005)

Soka Park (August 2005 - #1)

Soka Park (August 2005 - #2)

Riding his "R-Lando" car around town!

At the Tomica car show (Friday, September 2nd, 2005)

We visited family & friends in the US for 2 weeks in December 2005! Here is Tyler enjoying a rocking chair at Uncle Ross & Aunt Marla's house (where he met cousin Zechariah for the first time!)

Another rocking chair, this one at Grandma & Grandpa Andrews' house in Bonners Ferry, Idaho!

The Christmas Tree has been trimmed the day before Christmas, and Tyler is enjoying his bike!

Christmas morning!

Tyler posing with his Christmas stocking!

"Santa" (Grandpa Gene Andrews) is drawing a concrete mixer for Tyler!

Tyler, Dad, and Mom in front of the Christmas Tree

Four generations gathered around the Christmas Tree! Tyler, of course, with his dad (Ray), his Grandma (Pat Andrews), and his Great-Grandpa (Vern Bailey)

No trip to Idaho would be complete without a Potato photo op! (we are imformed that this is a "medium-sized" spud)

Back in Japan, and a visit from his 7-month-old cousin, Shunya Kuga (or "Un-kun," as he is often called)

Another friend comes to visit in January 2006 - Honoka-chan, now 1 and a half years old

Happy 2nd Birthday! The first of several birthday parties, this one at our favorite local restaurant, Coco's

Tyler striking a pose on Easter morning 2006

During a Golden Week visit to Soka Park April 29th), Tyler enjoyed a ride on Thomas! (more, it seems, on the return leg of the trip...) #1

Thomas #2

Thomas #3

Taking a ride on the new bike seat on the back of Baba's bike! (May 14th)

Tyler & Dad (July 1, 2006)

Tyler's brother, Kevin, joined the family on May 29th, 2006. Here's a shot of the 2 brothers on July 2nd (Kevin is just over 1 month, Tyler is about 2 years 5 months)

Tyler and Kevin on Tanabata (July 7th)

Sporting a new hat for a walk on July 8th. Tyler's favorite color is yellow (in his own words, "I like yellow very much.")

Kiyoko-san comes by for a visit! (July 15th, 2006)

Tyler joined Dad at the NIC Summer School excursion to Kasai Rinkai Koen (Aquarium) - near Disneyland. (Sunday, August 13th, 2006)

Another shot at Kasai Rinkai Koen

Happy Birthday, Mom! The family out for a birthday dinner at Bashamichi restaurant. (Saturday, August 26th, 2006)

A shot of Mom & Dad, taken by Tyler - who is turning out to be quite a photographer! (September 10th, 2006)

Tyler enjoying soap bubbles in the sink! (September 17th, 2006)

Tyler & Dad in a (posed) action shot with lots of Tomica cars! (September 23rd, 2006)

Tyler's Halloween costume (The party was on Sunday, October 29th, with 5 of his friends)

Looking forward to Christmas! (December 10th)

Tyler, Kevin, & Dad in front of the Christmas tree (December 10th, 2006)

Who's that in the Santa hat? (December 13th)

Happy New Year 2007! Tyler, Kevin & Mom welcome the new year! (January 5th)

Happy Birthday, Tyler! Three years, and going strong! (January 21st, 2007 - notice the Lightning McQueen on the cake!)

Celebrating Tyler's 3rd birthday at the Toyoshima home (January 21st, 2007)

Kiyoko-san visits during Golden Week 2007!

Tyler & Kevin having fun with the Thomas trike! (May 26, 2007) (#1)

Tyler & Kevin having fun with the Thomas trike! (May 26, 2007)(#2)

Tyler climbing at Soka Park (June 16, 2007)

Tyler doing the ring toss at Soka Park (June 16, 2007)

Tyler (3 years 7 months) & Kevin (1 year 3 months) Andrews (August 29th, 2007)

Tyler on his very first day of Kindergarten - April 5th, 2008

Tyler with Mom & Dad on the first day of Kindergarten (April 5th, 2008) - #1

Tyler with Mom & Dad on the first day of Kindergarten (April 5th, 2008) - #2

Two brothers (August 14th, 2008)

Two brothers (August 14th, 2008)

A visit to TobuDobutsuKoen (Tobu Zoo) on August 22nd, 2008

A visit to TobuDobutsuKoen (Tobu Zoo) on August 22nd, 2008

Tyler on the curcuit at Tobu Zoo (August 22nd, 2008)

Tyler doing the water maze at Shimizu Koen (August 27th, 2008)

The boys going for a spin at Misato Park (April 2009)

Riding the ferris wheel at Kasai Rinkai Koen (Park & Aquarium, near Disneyland) - April 2009

Tyler hunting for shells at Oarai Beach, in Ibaraki Prefecture (May 24, 2009)

Shimizu Koen (June 6, 2009)

Shimizu Koen Mazes (June 13, 2009)

Shimizu Koen Mazes (June 13, 2009)

Water maze at Shimizu Koen, with Shun (almost 4 years old) - June 13, 2009