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February, March & April - 2003

New Zealand, Australia and Asia

Last summer I was very ill and my husband vowed that if I made it, he would take time off for an extended, first-class venture of a lifetime. Most of you read our journal via e-mails as we traveled this past winter and many commented that they felt they were right there with us. During that time I took approx. 1500 photos, and here are "just a few" to share. You followed along us as we traveled - first a month wandering through New Zealand in February, then on to Australia in March followed by a 3-week cruise in Asia ending in mid-April. Due to the bombing in Bali, that port was removed from our itinerary. Later, with the outbreak of SARS, they removed Vietnam and Singapore from the ship's itinerary and after our stay in Thailand Hong Kong was also removed from our itinerary and we had to fly back to Australia in order to get home. In spite of the ongoing changes, this was a dream come true.

Click on any photo to see an enlarged view.


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One of my dreams, from the time I was very young, was to go in a jetboat on the Shotover River in New Zealand.
On March 5, 2003 that dream came true for me.
 I am in the front row, center seat.


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I have always had a fascination with koala bears ever since my mother gave me a stuffed one that she had been given as a small child. We found this little feller while driving up a side road along the south coast of Australia. It was unusual to find one not only awake but so intent on watching us... as they sleep 22 hrs/day and it takes them another hour to eat. Guess we caught him in his 23rd hour. 

This is the rock that I told the story about: the couple who walked to the point only to have the part between them and shore fall into the sea, stranding hem for 3 hrs. They were rescued by a helicopter and made headlines. Problem was they were married - but not to each other and he had called in sick that day! See the note below.

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Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia

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Mt. Cook - truly one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand, if not the world.
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a little bit of paradise!

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MORE.....Please be patient while they load - they are worth the wait.

Mike & Lynda, April, 2003

Click here to see the photos of New Zealand.-page one

Click here to go to page two of New Zealand

Click here to see the photos of Australia

Click here to see photos from the cruise

Click here for photos taken in Malaysia

Click here for photos taken in Thailand

Click here to return to the main page

Click here to see maps of the north & south islands

Click here to see information on the wineries of New Zealand

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