





I have been so busy lately building websites for others, I have not had much time to just sit back and make a website for myself. I am too selfish? I dunno, probably. Anyway, just enjoy the site okay... It has a whole bunch of stuff that some people would find funny, silly, interesting, or in the case of boring people, just stupid. I'm not sure how much this site will be updated, but I will try as much as possible, whenever I get a spare moment. Cheers lads.


 New stuff -- Updated 11/8/03 --


Get to work Tom! The site is finally up after a conflict problem on my computer with a new DVD burner, I knew I forgot to turn it on master... Lots of stuff on the site already, and I will slowly but surely be adding to it. Go and have a good poke around.

!HOT LINK! Happy Tree Friends. To check it out, go to the links page or click here. WARNING, may offend some viewers, but normal people will just think its as funny as hell. -- I can't get the link quite right, you might have to type in a hash (#) after the web address.

!HOT DOWNLOAD! A Girl From Impanema. MIDI file, sounds great, just like real elevator music. To get it go to the downloads or click here. Enjoy!

?Random Thought? I just finished watching some Futurama episodes that my brother got for his 21st birthday, I highly suggest this to anyone with a spare $80 lying around. He got season 2, but I believe you can get seasons 1, 2 and 3. If you have the money, I highly suggest you buy this.

!HOT DOWNLOAD! What is the Matrix screensaver. A good replication of the matrix code, with a pretty cool soundtrack. Some images get a bit blurry, but it is easy to dismiss. To get it go to the downloads or click here.

!HOT LINK! Forums. We now have forums, to get there go to the other stuff page or click here. 

!HOT LINK! Walnut Productions. A good site by a friend of mine. A lot like happy tree friends. To get there head over to the links page or click here.

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