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"Please share these letters with many citizens... I want you all to be watching when they kill me.  They already tried at Union CI by pushing me down the stairs in D-Dorm." ~Gregory Mills


To the FDOC, Gregory Mills is Inmate Number 747233, nothing more than a persistent thorn in their side because he won't roll over and play dead.

To those of us who have worked with Gregory over the years, he is an amazingly resilient man, persistent in his efforts to improve himself and the system he lives in.

Gregory's release date is 01/20/2007 and we certainly hope he is sent home on time.  However, the officers around him are not making it easy.  Part of that I'm sure are his charges, which include several battery on firefighter and resisting officer charges.



Plus, I think what makes them maddest is he's never been afraid to speak out against wrongful behavior and bad policies in the FDOC. I'm not excusing the behavior which got Gregory into his incarceration; he's never asked to be excused and his prison sentence is to be expected.  However, his time in prison has been unnecessarily and illegally harsh because of the unprofessional behavior of some of his guards (as opposed to C/Os).

He has been held at a number of Florida's prisons over the years since 01/17/1997, when the department took possession of him, and has continued to monitor bad policies and errant guards despite beatings, chemical agents and tons of time in "the hole",

ON ERRANT GUARDS: 2/1/05 - From FSP:

"We inmates here at FSP seriously need some minority captains. This is the only position that is all European who look after their buddies.  Most of them have been working at FSP for many years and have a string of "Use of Force" incidents against inmates.

"A week ago, January 27, 2005, I was verbally abused by Officer Cox who called me "a no good nigger" and a "Fuckboy". When I spoke up for myself, he came from the other side of the wing to where Officer Spears was counseling with me.  Officer Cox approached my cell from the opposite side of my foodflap.  He tried to close my arm in the food flap.  I had to use my right arm to take the pressure off my left arm.  Once I got the foodflap open a little bit, Officer Cox jumped back to the rail.  Then he and officer Spears walked away. 

"At this point, I looked at my arm to make sure it wasn't seriously injured or bleeding.  I had a few bruises.  When I looked up, Captain Fell and Lt. Davidson were standing next to my cell door.  Both of them started calling me "boy" and "nigger" and said "You must have lost your mind, hitting a white officer [meaning Officer Cox]." They did this for a couple of minutes, then told me that I could get ready because they were going to gas me, which they did and didn't neither one ask me what had really happened or check the security camera system to see who was wrong.

"This is one reason why there needs to be a couple of minority captains at FSP.  So this administration can be well balanced.  The colonel and the assistant warden of Operations, who are both black, cannot see or be everywhere.  But they have powerful enemies who do not want them being in powerful positions."

"I tried to make Close Management Two.  Ten months is a very long time to be clean here at FSP.  Then they wrote me three lying Disciplinary Reports for the hell of it to keep me here.  Since being housed on C-Wing, I have received about nine DRs and now I'm stuck on CM until I go home."

ON CROSBY:  2/22/04 - From Charlotte CI.:

"You know how Allen Clark made his rank so fast?  Covering for James Crosby when FDLE found all that stolen carpet in Secretary Crosby's garage."

"I bet if reporters researched the below listed individuals' track records, they would find a lot of abuse complaints that should have got them fired from the department but weren't:  James Crosby, Allen Clark, Timmy Cannon, Kenny Lampp.  The only reason they haven't been fired is because they have friends working in Tallahassee and the IGs office, whose hands are none too clean themselves. They cover for each other to stay in the clear."

"This is as good a time as any for the FBI to clean this department of the garbage of racism from top to bottom.  The biggest criminal in the State of Florida is sitting in the secretary's sear.  It's going to take the FBI to capture this madman. I thought FDLE had him once, but they handled the whole Valdes case like 'toy police'.  Yes, I remember James Crosby's statement to FDLE:  "I was at home and I didn't know this was going on."  You all know the rest of that story."

"All citizens of Florida need to see our secretary of FDOC, James Crosby, for what he is: A racist, a crook, and not to mention, he betrayed his fellow officers pertaining to the overtime pay situation.  And blood is still on his hands for the murder of the late Frank Valdez.  Look how his partner, Timmy Cannon, is abusing his power at Charlotte.  There is nobody to stop these mercenaries with Crosby on their side."

"Secretary Crosby is a real sadist.  I thought he just liked having inmates killed, but this guy does not mind sacrificing his own officers, whom he claims to protect.  This is a very sick individual and I imagine him crying at the female officer's funeral, while the whole time, he is the mastermind behind her being killed. I want everyone to see this information because I want everybody to know if these FSP murderers do decide or succeed in killing me so you will all know why."

"This morning, 2/26/04, one of the FSP crew came to pay me a visit and this may be a bad sign.  Whatever happens to me, at least I tried to expose Florida's Most Dangerous Criminals."

ON CHARLOTTE ESCAPE:  2/27/04: From Charlotte CI

"Visited by a lot of FSP ex-officers today and it shook me.  I had just wrote you about some more murders at Charlotte CI by that FSP crew.  Secretary James Crosby promised a few of these officers higher positions if they would let the inmates [involved in Darla Lathrem's murder] carry out an 'escape' attempt.  One of the DOC cowards stood outside the door and watched them inmates enter that closet and kill the female officer along with the inmate. Who stood outside the door and watched?  Was it you, Officer Volger?  You were the first one to arrive at my door.  Don't you know when the heat cranks up, James Crosby is going to leave you hanging?  Just ask the 'good old boys'.  Quoting Crosby from the paper, "Why don't you all stop acting like a bunch of criminals and cooperate with the investigation?"  Do you actually believe you can fool the FBI again?  This is bigger than the inmates and even the female officer who died; You'll be sitting on Death Row for conspiring to commit murder because James Crosby needed to make room for Timmy Cannon to become warden at Charlotte CI. I knew Sec. Crosby was involved when he made Asst. Warden Cannon warden of this institution. So, will you come and try to murder me because I am telling the truth?"

ON CROSBY: 1/8/05 - From FSP:

"As you can see, I have been returned to FSP.  I've been here since March of last year. I caught myself going underground and trying to make Close Management Two, but these no good James Crosby pawns waited until two weeks prior to reaching my 90 days review before they decided to write me three lying disciplinary reports.  I was 10 months clean and then they crossed me out."

"I've been sitting back watching James Crosby's actions as he was handing out rank.  At one time, I thought Crosby had changed his negative ways, but he hasn't and he is still a cruel and racist dictator, even among his own officers and administrators.  For the last few months he has been giving our rank and seasoned minority officers here at FSP were overlooked.  He made about eight new sergeants and only 2 were minority. He made three officers Lieutenants since I've been here and everyone of them that got rank were European - All the minorities were turned down.  Since you and I have been trying to expose the discriminations, the FDOC has been going back and giving proper rank to some of the minorities they kept overlooking for years to keep them from filing a class action lawsuit with the NAACP.  The position that hasn't changed here is in the rank of captain.  For some reason minorities can't hold this position at FSP.  James Crosby is clearly discriminating against his own officers and you can imagine what the inmates are going through."

ON JAMES CROSBY: 1/11/05 - From FSP:

"Since President Bush has appointed a latino to run the United States Attorney General's office, Crosby just may be in a prison jumpsuit soo.  Or Governor Bush may make Crosby the next Florida Secretary of State if Jeb is elected president in 2008.  World, Look Out!"

"I will never make it off Close Management.  James Crosby may have put out a major hit on me, because every institution that I step food on, his KKK buddies are waiting for me.  I will continue to put my pen to paper until he backs off me.  I will keep pressure on these corrupt individuals until the Federal Government or NAACP takes notice and stops the injustice towards inmates and the discrimination against minority officers."

ON ABUSE: 1/11/05 - From FSP:

"Today I witnessed some of Secretary James Crosby's hitmen run into an inmate's cell and beat him up.  The inmate was sprayed with chemical agents at about 3:30 am.  The hitmen come in the early morning hours while inmates are sleeping.  The inmate in question woke me up screaming, "They are trying to kill me!"  The reason the officers sprayed him? Because he had declared a psychological emergency, which the officers had denied him for three days."

ON JAMES CROSBY: 1/11/05 - From FSP

"Mr. James Crosby has committed a lot of crimes.  If he is the chief in charge of the FDOC and he lets hate crimes like the Frank Valdes murder take place. He is just as guilty and he should be prosecuted."

ON JEB BUSH: 1/11/05: From FSP

"I was surprised that Gov. Jeb Bush tried to take Affirmative Action from women and minorities.  I wrote him about his mistake in 2001 and he didn't like me informing him that I can prove that we need Affirmative Action.  I showed him how Florida State Prison, which is under his authority, was racially discriminating against the minority officers.  At the time I wrote the letter, the uncle that I am named after was on deathrow.  A month after the letter, Jeb Bush signed my uncle's death warrant, so I've never tried to write him again. To me it was an attempted assassination, even though it was me, not my uncle, he wanted."


GREGORY MILLS ON RACISM: 2/22/04 - From Charlotte CI.:

"The Florida Department of Racists truly slapped the minority officers in the face here at Charlotte CI.  The administration just gave out some rank and just one minority got a promotion - to Lieutenant.  Where is Equal Opportunity in the workforce?  It's not at this institution and I didn't see it at Santa Rosa CI, which only got one minority Lieutenant.  No minority wardens, colonels, captains.  At Union CI, two, maybe three minority lieutenants, one minority captain, and an assistant warden.  At Charlotte only two minority lieutenants - no minority wardens, colonels or captains.  Come on NAACP, lets put a stop to these slave plantations within the DOC.  It is shameful that the minority officers are being oppressed on the job, and somebody had the nerve to do away with Affirmative Action. These Close Management institutions need balance in administration to cut down on racial abuse of inmates behind cell doors."

2/25/04 - From Charlotte CI.:

"I recall my first time being placed on Close Management in 1992, and how they sent me to Martin CI where the administration was balanced.  The top three warden positions were held by Europeans: Warden Kirkland, Asst Warden Alford and Asst. Warden Mrs. Poore. Now the key to this administration was not the above people, because they showed their true nature once they returned to North Florida.  Then what made this administration so outstanding?  I'm about to name some enlightened white shirts that are African American:  Colonel Harris, Lt. Williams, Lt. Debose.  There were also some European officers, men who knew that Close Management destroys a person's mind and they knew how to deal with the inmates.  It was not a 'soft administration': If you stepped out of line, believe me, they dealt with you.  But it wasn't about spraying chemical agents because you're BORED or out to get rank by trying to impress your supervisor that you're a 'trouble-shooter'."

1/11/05 - From FSP:

Secretary Crosby appears to be trying to undo the injustice that has been done to minorities for years, as the FDOC refused to give minority officers rank.  Do not let the newly ranked minorities fool you.  Those officers should have had the high positions years ago, but were turned down over and over.  The only reason that they have their earned positions now is that Secretary Crosby is trying to keep the NAACP or ACLU from filing a major class action lawsuit for a hundred million dollars. This would be a case the FDOC would not have a defense against."

"Maybe if they rank some more minority lieutenants, captains, colonels, assistant wardens and wardens, this abuse of inmates would discontinue throughout institutions in the State of Florida.  But first we'd have to get Secretary Crosby indicted for being the mastermind of the Frank Valdes murder."

ONGOING ABUSE from FSP August 28, 2003

GREGORY MILLS UPDATE from UNION CI - September 25, 2003

GREGORY MILLS UPDATE Back at FSP - February, 2005