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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Last Part About Q-Wing

December 13, 1981 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Hi Buzz, It took me awhile to get around to answering your letter because I have no money for stamps and the state only pays for two letters a week and I've been trying to get things together to try and get some money in for Christmas.  I got my family to pull together to get me a radio & headphones and they are suppose to be on the way to me now, at least they should be because I sent the package permit to them almost two weeks ago and they told me they would send it as soon as they got the permit.

Those (Detroit) Lions are kickin ass and I love it.  I watched them whip the ass off of Minnesota, and I think they might go all the way this year too. 

As for you writing a book about me, there's one about done by now, and the sucker isn't going to give me shit.  The f*cker played up to me four years then as soon as I was sentenced to death on this last case I haven't heard from him since then.  I wrote to him many times, no answer. 

Perhaps you can try to contact him for me and find out what the hell is going on?  His name is John McClintock, he's a news reporter for WJAC-TV, Johnstown, Pennsylvania.  As far as I know his home address is RD 4, Box 373, Duncansville, PA 16635.  His office phone number is (814) 942-1940.  Try to call him at his office and let it ring a long time cuz someone will pick it up if he isn't there. 

If you make contact with him say you're calling for me and that I would like to know what the hell is going on.  I've wrote at least ten times, give him my number and address and tell him I said to write me.  Do this for me as soon as possible, alright?  Something tells me that you've wanted to write a book all along but I'll probally never know.  I don't care if you do write a book, but I do know that I better get my share of the money, cuz I don't like people trying to burn me and I always pay the person back that tries.

Just a small warning in case you have thoughts of burning me, don't try it Buzz.  Sure we can make money if you do a good job, and we both need the bucks for sure.  Go ahead on.

I sure was glad when Ford got his stay last week.  He was in the cell next to me when they put him on Q wing, death watch.  The news people don't get nothing right at all.  The news said he was moved to the death watch cell a few days before he was to die, but they put you on Q wing (Q then changed to X, now back to Q) death watch thirty days ahead of time.  He came back to the cell next to me the same night he got his stay, and we talked about the bullshit the guards would say while he was on watch.

This sure has made me think alot more about what I'm up against cuz I counted the days and hours down as many of us did that knew him, and a cheer went up when we heard of his stay.

'Til next time, please contact John for me, (he spells his name Jon instead of John


December 20, 1981 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, Thanks alot for the information about Bob (Taccia, a fellow convict).  I've been trying to get in touch with him from the first day I got here but never got a reply from the address he gave me.  Bob is good people and he was set up, but he won't lose his home from him.  They can only take what was used in the crime and they only took two or three of his cars.  As for that color tv he left for me to use until I left, then I gave it to his nephew. (Jeff is speaking of Bob Taccia who was an inmate at the Brevard County Jail in Titusville, FL with him.  Bob was sent to Avon Park)

Bob won't do all those years because I'm sure he'll get a win on his appeal.  Seeing how you know where my friend is living would you please forward this letter I'm sending with yours to him for me?  It's important that I get in touch with him as soon as possible.  I'm doing alright Buzz, sad I can't be with my family over the holidays but it's damn sure not the first. Take care, have a nice Christmas and a party hearty New Year. Jeff

P.S. When you send my letter to Bob, use this as the return address because he will write to her. Alice C. Mickey, RD# 6, Box 352 Wellsboro, PA 16901


December 28, 1981 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, Just a few lines to thank you for the $5.00 you sent, and that other stuff.  Why did you send a few torn out pages of a skin rag?  These people don't let stuff like that in, but the guy gave them to me this time.  (I sent him some photos from Club Magazine, a mag which features naked women in it).  He said in the future that if you are going to send stuff like that, to send the whole mag., but they are supposed to come through the regular mail. 

Don't you think it's about time you tell me who you really are?  After all the shit you wrote in that calendar, it tells me that you've done quite a bit of homework, so why don't you come on out with it all? (I filled his murders in on the dates of a calendar I sent to him).

As for that book you plan to write, keep in mind that I want my cut of the deal.  Thanks again for the '5' spot.  Easy Now, Jeff

About Ted Bundy

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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