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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 55
Ted Bundy; 2nd Yard Period per Week

December 30, 1984 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 18-1110

Buzz, I got your card this past week, but still no calendar.  What kind of calendar was it?  I'll probally get it this coming week cuz the mail is slow this time of year. 

What do ya say we make some money?  I'm thinking your offer over very carefully and depending on what goes down in the near future I may get together with you and get some money for my children.  So it's not for sure, but I may get together with you. 

My main concern is my children and how a book of this kind will affect them because you and I both know I'll be made to look like a mad dog killer that didn't  give a f*ck about a human life. 

I'll tell you this much, the real truth has never been told, yet!  My lawyer now has part, well most of what part Ray & Bonnie played in this shit.  I covered for them and got crossed, but no more will I play the fool.  If I get a new trial the shit will hit the fan.  I cannot and will not say anymore on the matter because of my appeal.  The police have known all along that Ray & Bonnie did more than was told, but they made deals with both of them to make sure they got me. 

Awhile back you asked me if I was ever around Ted Bundy, well now he comes to the yard two times a week.  I've played basketball with, and against him, and played some volleyball too.  I don't understand what all the big hoopla is all about.  He ain't shit but just another asshole on the row, and can get his ass f*cked up the same as anyone else. 

He may have been something out there on the streets, but in here it doesn't mean shit cuz there ain't nothing but killers.  He may be a little smarter than alot of niggers and crackers cuz alot of men on the row can't read nor write.  Other than that, he's just another asshole on death row. 

I'll close for now and I'll let you know when and if I get the calendar, and on the other matter.  Easy Now, Jeff

Letter # 56

January 31, 1985 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 18-1110

Buzz, I thought I'd write to tell you that I never did get the calendar you said you sent.  (I never sent one to him for '85, I lied to him when I said I did). 

I'm trying to figure out who ordered this tv guide for me (I did) because the bill was sent to me, and you are the only one I can think of that would do this for me.  So I'm sending you the invoice for the bill.  If you didn't order this for me, or if you can't handle the $23.40 I guess you should send it back to me. 

I guess you heard about the execution here yesterday, and two more are set to go on February 5th.  They will probally only get one of them. 

There's really not that much else going on to write about.  I'd sure appreciate it if you would take care of this tv guide for me.  Take care.  Easy Now, Jeff

Witt's Execution: The Final Letter

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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Kay Lee