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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 45
The Sullivan Execution

December 6, 1983 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-1111

Buzz, It wasn't all that quiet, but there wasn't much noise either.  There was more sadness than anger for most of us.  Bob was a personal friend of mine, and well liked by most of us. 

One thing for sure is that the f*ckheads in here know that it's no game anymore, and I was sick to death of hearing them run their dump truck mouths all day long talking bullshit.  That's about all I have to say about it now.

Wherever you are for Christmas (Naples, Italy), have a nice one, and send me your address and I'll try to send you a home made card.  Easy Now, Jeff

-- A postcard came in on Dec 17, 1983-- Buzz, Got your postcard tonight.  Thanks for the newspaper (USA Today), it's pretty good.  Take care and have a nice Christmas.  Jeff

Letter # 46

December 31, 1983 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-1111

Buzz, Got your card, letters, stamps, magazine story, and thought I'd zip a few lines your way today. 

My Christmas was alright except for being cold as a bitch in here with no damn heat.  Christmas eve it went down to 13 with a wind chill factor of -11, and these dumb f*cks still have windows open that can't be closed from the inside.

Yeah, that USA Today is pretty good and I pass it around when I'm done cuz it has news from every state, so it's well liked in here.  Woodson (his trial judge) was the hang man at my trial too. 

I've never seen that dude in the story or heard of him, then again I don't hang out with 'pee-hole bandits' no way.  It's a sorry motherf*cker that has to kill a woman and rape her just to get some pussy. 

I'm not saying that what I did was cool, cuz I was as wrong as the year is long, but I could never harm a child nor rape a woman. 

Not much else going on, except out in population a dude got stabbed up and died yesterday.  You take care now.  Easy Now, Jeff

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