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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 37
Robert Taccia, Convict

November 14, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 18-1106

Buzz, I had to hold up answering your letters cuz I used up my free letters and I have no money for stamps. 

If Jennings was sentenced to death again he will go back to Q wing cuz to many people want his ass, and he'll stay over there from now on.  At least he better pray he never goes to population either.  He only has one way out, and that's with a tag on his toe.  (LoL). 

Thanks for that clipping on Taccia, I appreciate it.  But I knew what he was up to and was alright with him in spite of it.  I never let anyone get that close to me to hurt me in any way.  I learned my lesson on that the hard way. 

You see, I talked with Bob quite a bit, and he sold out people he knew for years trying to catch a break, so I knew he'd sell me out in a heartbeat and it didn't really matter cuz I knew I was gonna plead guilty anyway, so when he tried to make that move it did him no good just as the clipping said.  And they already had Ray so they needed nobody else.  But the real truth has yet to be told, and someday maybe it will be cuz everything done in the dark has to come to light someday. 

That ship you're on sure does sound small (380 man crew, guided missile destroyer) more like a boat than a ship.  Wherever you put in port be sure to drop me a line or two for my stamp collection.  I think you lucked out cuz I'd damn sure like to see all those different countries.  Of course I'd like to be anywhere but here.

Something came to mind that I wonder if you can help me with.  You see I'd like to know when Bonnie Heath gets to Titusville for trial, and thought that if your mom heard anything she could let you or me know about it.  You think you can set that up for me? 

I also thought of something you can send me for Christmas that won't cost much at all and I can use it all year.  How about sending me a 'Playboy' calendar?  They only cost about $3.00 for the wall calendar, and I'd really like to have one.  I'm pretty sure they'll let it come in cuz they let the magazine in along with Penthouse, Club, Hustler, Chic, and so on.  I just don't know why they didn't let that postcard in that you sent, unless it showed a man and woman doing something together.  Anyhow I'd like to have a Playboy calendar if you can swing it for me.  (I sent him one from Naples, Italy). 

Thanks for sending that picture, you don't look at all like you did when I saw you in Titusville. 

About that row at Lake Butler, if and when they put row people over there it will be people who need medical attention all the time.  I don't know how many are on death row but there's room for about 200 on R & S wings and about 30 on Q wing. 

I have no idea what they plan to do and don't care either.  I'm not going to concern myself with things that I have no power over.  Maybe they'll fry some of the real scumbags. 

I guess this is it for now.  Take care.   Easy Now, Jeff

Death Row and Taccia

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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