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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 30
More About Death Row

June 27, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 15-2109

Buzz, Seeing how you don't leave til Thursday I'm sure there's time for this letter to get to you before you hit the road for your new job. (Navy).  The bullshit will be worth it in the end.  At least you know you won't get laid off unless you f*ck up, and the money will sure do you alot of good to get all your bills paid off and have some to party with once in a while. 

Let me tell you something, aside from your f*cked up views, and sometimes not so f*cked up about crime and death row, you're not so bad a person.  I can understand how you feel, being on the outside looking in, cuz I once felt the same way when I heard of the shit that some of these fools did out there, and I still feel that way about a few of them. 

But once you are where I am, and you hear the whole story, and not just what made the news, then you would start to realize not is all as it appears to be.  Shit, there's four sets of steel bars between me and the damn windows in this cellblock, and P, R, & S wings.  There are two men here on death row that were never charged with murder, they were sentenced to death for rape of children under age 11, and at first look I would say they got what was coming to them, but the Supreme Court has now said that was un-just sentencing. 

But lets go back to the one I know personally on my tier.  He was accused of raping his own daughter.  The man is a for real Christian, not a phoney, and after years on death row his daughter is old enough to speak for herself and has come forward and told that her mother made her say that her father raped her, to get him out of the way for many reasons, one being another man. 

In the not too far off future the whole truth will be told about what really happened in all my cases.  It will surprise you, and many others too. 

Well I hope to be moving back over to S wing around the end of this coming week.  I can't wait to get back so we can go outside, and the tv, and being able to listen to my stereo all night.  I miss being able to put the headphones on and turn the music on and block out all the noise from these fools yelling at each other all damn night. 

I'm sick of some of these f*ckin' fools, mostly one nigger always running his face about crackers doing this, crackers doing that, and saying all crackers are pussies.  If I ever catch his ass on the yard I'll show him one cracker that will beat his ass silly. 

I just listened to the blast off on my radio, I wish I could've at least watched it on tv.  They said it was the first one to ever go off right on time, but they don't wanna rap about what's on board this time.  

Don't worry about the post cards right now, maybe after bootcamp you can send me some.  Oh well, til next time good luck.  Easy Now, Jeff

Letter # 31

July 12, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2109

Buzz, Just got your letter and thought I'd go head on and answer.  In your last letter you ask what I meant about the truth being told, well it won't come out at any trial of Bonnie's.  After her trials are over I'm sure she will realize that putting all this on me is not going to help her in any way, then perhaps she will come forward to tell the real truth, and Raymond will have no choice but to tell the truth, and his lies will put him in prison.  The police have known all along that he lied from the very start. 

We were all moved back to S wing last week but I didn't get my old cell back, besides they painted every cell.  But I still have my WABX (Rock station from Detroit) sticker cuz I only taped it on the wall and never peeled the back off the sticker so in case I'm moved I can always take it with me. 

The reason I wanted those post cards was so I could send them out to my ex 'ol lady and a couple other people I write to.  The lady I write to in Pennsylvania has a son in the Navy too, he's on a sub. 

My new cell number is 19-2109.  Til next time, God Bless.  Jeff

Letter # 33

August 23, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2109

Buzz, I just got your letter so I'll answer it tonight so you'll get it before you leave there. (Bootcamp).  I knew that fool in Virginia and he was a real scumbag.  At least that's what I thought of him and the same for that asshole that plead guilty just before the jury came back with not guilty. 

In Virginia you only do one-forth of your time to come up for parole, then you can get good time so he could be out in ten years or less. 

Nothing new on Bonnie that I've heard of, I don't even know where she's at right now.  I don't know where Ray is at either but I hope he's having big fun out there in the free world.  He doesn't have any idea at all that he will be in big trouble in about a year or less, and his own mouth is gonna put him behind bars. 

The next letter I get from you better be from Mississippi!  God Bless, Jeff

Order of The Dead Man's Crimes

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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