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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

About Death Row

Monday, August 10, 1981 FSP Death Row, Cell 19-2111

Buzz, I got your letter a few minutes ago and thought I'd go ahead on and answer it, seeing how I have nothing else to do.  I don't know Bryan Jennings on death row, but there are quite a few men on the row.  Last time I heard there were 168 on the row, on two different wings, S and R, and I think there are a few on Q wing (where Frank was killed, Q had changed to X and now I hear they've changed it back to Q since the Valdes murder) where the chair is. 

I'm on S wing, north side of the wing, cell number eleven on the second floor.  The cells are close together with bars at the front of the cell, so of course we can pass things to each other, even sit a chessboard in the walkway between our cells and reach through the bars to play chess, or cards.  (I heard a few years ago they've put heavy steel screens across the front of each cell so that'd put an end to that).  There's only about a four inch thick concrete wall between each cell. 

I don't have any idea how many people are at this prison because I only keep track of death row. 

They had a guy take his own life on R wing yesterday by an overdose. 

The food here isn't to swift but if you had money they sell all kinds of food from the canteen, even pizza!  I eat better than the rest of the people here because I have a blood pressure problem, so they can't feed me the same shit they serve the other inmates.  My food is salt free, and I get good meat sometimes when everyone else gets bullshit, and sometimes I get bullshit. 

The tv I have pulls in six channels during the day, but late at night I can pull a few more.  A tv guide would be really nice if you could hook that up for me Buzz.  As for sex mags., I can always read the ones that other guys get cuz they pass them around. 

I never did go to Walled Lake Central (in Walled Lake, Michigan) but I've been there many times, and all my cousins went there around '71 and '72.  Had I not got locked up I would've been in the class of '73, instead I got married December 12, 1973.  I really fucked up when I did that. 

I hope you get out of debt soon cuz I know how it feels to be broke.  I really appreciate what you are doing for me on keeping track of Bonnie, and the tv guide, and whatever else you may send my way.  Keep in touch Buzz, God's peace be with you always.  Easy Now, Jeff

P.S. If you do hook up the tv guide, make sure you use my full address just like you send a letter, money orders the same way.

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~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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