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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 25
The Dead Man's Final Crime

May 7, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, You think you know so f*ckin' much about me and what I did, but this last letter shows me you don't know shit except what you read in a magazine, or what the pigs say I said. 

First, you're wrong about the bitch in Virginia, she didn't fake me out, and I don't know where you heard that shit about she crawled to the window and wrote down my tag number, but it's bullshit.  (Kay, I know it was, I made that up to get a rise outta him, it worked)! 

I have a copy of my whole trial transcript.  Fact # 1, she didn't even call the pigs, ten to fifteen minutes after I left she called her husband to tell him what happened, then he called the pigs. 

Fact # 2, on the stand, and pig reports, she didn't know nothing about our T-bird, only that she saw a white car with something dark on top 'before' I pulled the gun on her. 

Now to get your shit together, while I was in the store a state pig drove past the store and happened to look at my car as he went by and noticed the red, white, and blue tags that Michigan had that year that stood out.  Then when he got the call over the radio about a robbery at that store he passed he remembered the car he saw (mine, and the only one in front of the store).

From now on if you want to run off at the mouth on what you think you know, get your facts right.  If what you said was true, why didn't I kill two people in Michigan I robbed?  Two in Arkansas?  One in New Mexico?  And so on. 

I could name quite a few places that I robbed and never so much as touched the person.  The police know of many places I robbed that Ray told them about but no charges were put on me because no murder was involved, and those cases would show that I didn't waste everyone I robbed and wouldn't look good for what they were trying to show.  I thought you had better sense than to believe all the shit you read in those magazines, or all of what the pigs say that I told them. 

As for a confession of what the pigs say I said, in Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Florida find one signed by me that says what you wrote in your letter.  ( Kay, I have his statement from the Flagler County Jail disputing what he just wrote completely, he did sign and admitted everything to the Brevard investigators, plus the interview was taped.  This was in relation to the killing that he died for.  Here's his final words on that statement--

We'll just say it like this here, I've talked to the men that I'm talking to now, both you guys, you haven't promised me nothing, you haven't offered no deals, no nothing, I'm just telling it on my own accord, telling you what happened, you know, and ah, as best as I remember, there ain't been nothing promised to me, ain't been no deals offered, ah, ah, I'm sitting here, I have, I've had no alcoholic beverages or any kind of drugs within the last 24 hours, I'm perfectly, you know, as far as I'm concerned, I'm perfectly sane, I know what I'm talking about, and ah, my mental condition, you know, is just as good as anybody else's, I'm not crazy, I'm not insane, and ah. 

[Investigator] That covers it pretty well, I think. 
Daugherty] That covers it, that should cover it right on.  
(End of Interview).  --
Back to the letter--

Even more so in Pennsylvania because they come down here with that heavy shit about when I was supposed to tell them that 'when I shoot someone I mean to make sure they're dead,' not only was it bullshit, it was never on tape, never wrote down by me in any confession of any kind, was never proven in my trial in that state that I in fact said those words, and a murder conviction was overturned in PA., because of all the bullshit the judge let go on in my trials in Pennsylvania.  So get your facts together next time. 

As for Alice sending me stamps to write to her, she does send me a stamp in every letter so I can write her back, and so does my wife, and Alice sends me money if I ask her, and my wife would too, but I told her not to, but I have her send pictures of my children when she has extra money, and she doesn't live off the state, she works for her money, except for Medicade for the children.  Nobody in my wife's family lives off welfare. 

There's no punk scrongen off her money, her mother lives with her, and her brothers would f*ck up any punk that tried any shit like that. 

If you think all these little petty digs you try to pull about the shit you say about my 'ol lady gets to me, you may as well give up cuz you can't get next to me like that.  In fact it's a bit childish on your part.  And I doubt very much if people out there want a chance to blow somebody away.  Sure, they're for the death penalty, but they don't all buy guns and hope someone breaks into their house so they can kill them.  (Did I tell him that? LoL.  If so it was just my way of gettin' his dander up so to speak, and ya gotta admit, it seemed to have worked rather well, if I do say so myself). 

People like yourself are very few.  Feeling the way you do why the f*ck do you write to me?  Are you hoping that I'll tell you about any outstanding murder charges against me so you can take my letter to the pigs and be a hero?  I could care less about armed robbery charges, I'll tell them myself, but they don't care about them with what I already have, so you can give that up. 

You damn sure don't give a damn about me, so why do you bother to write to me?    Easy Now, Jeff

The Dead Man's Robberies

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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Kay Lee