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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 24
About Death Row

May 3, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, You seem to have a real problem with wanting to kill people on the row, and you wait and hope someone will try to break into your house so you can gun them down.  Dig yourself, Buzz!  Do you realize how you sound?  I think you want to shoot someone, but still have the so-called law to hide behind.  I can just imagine you waiting for your chance. 

As for the way I dealt with my crimes, I didn't take the time to stop and think about anything.  For me to do that it would only show that I planned to kill the person, which I didn't.  There are very few people on the row that thought about what they were going to do and then followed through with it. 

Therefore 'Ol Sparky (as you call it) isn't even a thought at the time the shit goes down.  Afterwards, it sure is a thought, but by then it's to late. 

I agree with you that some of these people should burn, like those child killers, but there are others like myself that I don't feel should fry.  I already know how you feel so there's no need for you to tell me again. 

As for the chaplain here I've seen him three times since I've been here. 

I never used 'ludes as an excuse for what I did, only that I had been doing them up for quite sometime, and I didn't think to much about anything I did for awhile before I went on my 'spree', and as you heard, my uncle was afraid of me towards the last couple of weeks he was with us. 

I went through alot of changes when I was on 'ludes and speed, all my in-laws liked me and they still feel as I do that none of this would've happened if I had got off the drugs. 

I thought they were the ones that were fucked up.  I left a woman that after all I've done to hurt her still loves me, a son that I love more than life, while she had my daughter in the cooker, and I doubt very much if I'd be where I am now if I had not met that cunt Bonnie Heath.  I know I wouldn't be here!  So 'ludes played a big part in my downfall. 

When you sent those clippings you said to write more often.  Well in case you forgot I only get free postage on two letters a week, and I don't have the money to buy stamps.  I still write to my 'ol lady and children, and to my attorney, and Alice from Pennsylvania.  So I rotate my letters between who I write to. 

Well good luck in the Navy, who knows maybe you'll get a chance to blow someone away someday while you're in the Navy. 

Til Next Time.  Easy Now, Jeff

The Dead Man's Final Crime

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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