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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Mentions Murder in the Postscript

Sunday, August 9, 1981 FSP Death Row, Cell 19-2111

Buzz, I want to thank you for your letter, and for the check you sent, and the WABX sticker.  That was really a surprise to find that sticker in the envelope, even more so because I didn't think they would let something like that come in.  I also thank you for the news clipping you sent, and I look forward to the news clippings on Bonnie Heath.  (his crime pardner) They might try to bring me to her trial and I'd like to see that bitch crawl a bit but I won't testify against her even after she snitched me out cuz I'm not a snitch.  I'd love to put my foot in her ass though. 

They don't allow personal checks to come in here, you'll have to send a money order next time.  You sure did try to contact after I was sentenced, but they put me on a plane and flew me up here about two hours after I left the courtroom.  I didn't even get time to see my attorney.  They were afraid that I would try a breakout so they made sure that I wouldn't. 

I may not be here much longer because I won a re-trial in Pennsylvania by the Supreme Court, and they are doing the paperwork to try to get me back there, but the governor of Florida has the say so on if I go or not.  I hope I do go to get out of this place, maybe for good.  I'll damn sure try to stay up there if I can.  It will take at least a month before I'll know anything. 

If I do move from here I'll be sure to let you know, and you do likewise.  I like to keep in touch with the free world, and you just happen to be from my home state which is even better. 

I really appreciate you sending the five bucks, even though I didn't get to keep it.  $5.00 will sure help out a little bit cuz I've been broke for so long now that I've sold just about everything I had to get things I need, even had to give up smoking. 

You take it light and write again when you have time.  Easy Now, Jeff

P.S. One last question, you wouldn't happen to know any nice looking young women out there that might want to write and send a picture to me, would you?  Then again, I don't think there's very many women that would want to write to a man in prison for five murders.  If they could just understand that I'm not the same person that I was in 1976, and just deal with me as I am now, then they would know I'm not a mean cold hearted person anymore, things would be different.  You talked with me and I'm sure you know I'm not a bad person to know and rap with. 

I'd appreciate whatever you can do on this subject, and you be sure to write again soon, and keep me up to date with Bonnie Heath.  Bye Now, Jeff

Kay-- Jeffery is spelled like that, NOT Jeffrey.  He let me know that once.  Bonnie was his 40 something girlfriend at the time of the crimes.  Jeff was 20 then.  He was married and had two kids in Michigan. 

Him and Bonnie left Michigan and went on their spree.  They made it as far as Texas, doing armed robberies all along the way.  Plenty of the robberies didn't involve murder.  That's why there were 'only 5 (6)'.  He killed whenever there was any resistance.  He used a .22 revolver and a .25 pistol. 

Bonnie really got over.  She participated in full and only had to serve about 12 years in total counting jail time awaiting trials. Bonnie was released from the Florida Correctional Institution. which is now under the name "Lowell Correctional Institution Annex". The only details I have on the name change are what's on the DOC site. Here it is for Lowell CI, which is a youthful offender establishment only. The annex is for adult offenders, but Bonnie was in the older main unit during her stay. That's because the 'annex' hadn't been built yet...

Historical Information: The oldest state facility for women was opened in April 1956 as Florida C.I., housing all custody levels including death row. Florida C.I. originally functioned as the only reception center for female offenders.

In 1973 Florida C.I. obtained the Forest Hills School for Girls from the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, which is located on the same property. This unit was utilized as a minimum custody open compound styled facility housing around 300 female inmates. The Forest Hills Unit was closed in 1997 for renovation.

Levy Forestry Camp was added to Florida C.I. in 1995 as a work camp for female offenders. Its primary mission is labor for the Division of Forestry. In July 1997 C.A.M.P. Jones was opened as the only "boot camp" styled program for youthful offender females in Florida. In 1998 it was combined with Marion C.I. and in 1999 the name was changed to Lowell C.I./Women's Unit and in 2000 to Lowell C.I. It also houses female youthful offenders as well as pregnant offenders.

Currently, Lowell C.I. houses minimum, medium and close custody and all medical grade female inmates. It provides academic, vocational and self-betterment programs as well as PRIDE Industries. Levy Forestry Camp and Basic Training Unit (BTU) Camp Jones are under the supervision of Lowell CI. Lowell Annex is under the supervision of Lowell CI.

As to the location of FSP, it's still in Starke. And UCI is still in Raiford. Two different counties altogether. The town of Starke is the county seat for Bradford county. The town of Raiford is the county seat for Union county. The two prisons are only separated by about a quarter mile (and the county dividing lines). I have no idea why they're using the same snail mail address for both places unless it has something to do with the new 911 addressing system. They're in the process of doing that here in Columbia county. We're slowly getting rid of the rural route box system and will be assigned a 'real address' supposedly before the end of this year. But they've been saying that for over 5 years now. I do know that the change has already been accomplished everywhere in the county except in District 2, my area. For a relatively tiny city Lake City has four different zip codes! A few years back we only had the one main one of 32055. Now there's 32024, 32025, 32055, and 32056.

Ms. Heath was released from Florida Correctional Institution, located 10 miles north of Ocala, with $100 and a bus ticket to Tampa under an inmate release assistance program. Her location is unknown. She's free to this day unless she went back in on something else. BuzzC

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