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Jeffery Daugherty
Executed in "Old Sparky"
November 7, 1988

Letter # 14
The Dead Man's Death Row Cell

January 30, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, Hope ya passed that test to get your new job, sounds like good money.  (Talkin' about me going into the Navy).

To answer your questions, Ford isn't next to me anymore cuz he got busted with something and was moved.  I have gone out at the same time as him many times.  We don't always go out at the same time or day cuz they change it every 30 days or so. 

The yard for S wing is only about 20' x 30'.  Only seven or eight go out unless we happen to go out in the morning, then there's three or four of us that go out.  They only take out one tier at a time.  Not much you can do in that small an area except pump iron, play cards or handball.  Handball is something like raquet ball except you just bang the ball up against the wall with your hand.  The end of the building is our wall. 

I try to mix up the things I do each day to pass the time in my cell.  Like some days I listen to music and work on a jig saw puzzle, or read to music, or watch tv or sleep or do all the above in one day.  I just mix things up everyday and do whatever it takes to get me through another day, and start all over again the next day.  Not much you can do in a 6' x 9' cell when you really only have about 3' x 7' walking space. 

We take showers every other day and I hate that shit.  I don't get any visits, the last one I had was in June of 1977 except for when you came up to the Brevard County Jail, so fuck it, but I've started to cut back on this shit they call food.  Til next time.  Jeff

Letter # 16

March 3, 1982 Florida State Prison, Death Row Cell 19-2111

Buzz, My cell here is a bit smaller than the one you seen me in at Titusville.  I don't care to read a book like you told me about, and I doubt very much if they would have it here anyway.  (A book on how electric chair executions are carried out). 

As for Dobberts being the most hated man on the row, I don't know about how people feel about him as a person, but a guy next to me used to be over on R wing with him and he said he didn't appreciate what he did. (He raped and killed his own children).  I can't pass judgment on him, but I think it was really sick what he did to his own children. 

It is true that a child killer would have it a bit tougher in here.  I know of one person that won't go outside because he would get his ass busted up for killing a 12 year old black girl.  It's pretty easy to find out what a person is on death row for, watch tv, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper. 

I was at the Children's Center in Pontiac (Michigan), and W.J. Maxey Boys Training School and Green Oaks Center at Whitmore Lake, Michigan off and on from ages 14 to 18.  (Juvie & Reform School.  Juvenile delinquent: A child or adolescent who exhibits antisocial or criminal behavior).  I kept breaking out when I'd get tired of the place, and the last time I broke out of Green Oaks Center, they just sent me a release in the mail cuz I had been out for about nine months and my case worker knew where I was but didn't turn me in cuz I was 18 and had a job and got married. 

That shit you told me about Jennings, I don't know him, but anyone that would do that to a six year old child needs his head busted in for sure.  (Bryan Jennings, # 073045).  Sure, I killed a few people and I wish it never had happened, but I could never harm a child or rape a woman.  That's two things I could never do.  Til next time.  Jeff 

The Dead Man's Charges

The 'Darn Yankee'
BuzzC's Spot ~
~ Walk Softly, BUT Carry A Big Stick! ~


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Kay Lee