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Including Crosby's 'Nephew', Herbert Perry

"Word is out that Crosby is going to survive this and people are being warned to keep their mouths shut.  Which can be expected if you know how they operate."

I have gotten many comments on the fact that Clark's ballplayers draw paychecks but don't really work.  Awhile back I was told about a night when a number of inmates had to be processed.  A few officers were struggling with the process while Clark and his ballplayer's sat and visited with each other.  When the officers asked for help, Clark told them that his ballplayer's were doing exactly what they were supposed to do - In his words, "NOTHING".

Here's more information on Allen Clark's Softball Players from other officers. 

Kay Lee

"Right now the focus is on Flag Football."

Florida Department of Correction (Region I) is run by the "Raiford Mafia".   Officials appointed by Jeb Bush are under investigation and indictments are in the process.  Misuse of funds, officials selling steroids to employees and prisoners.  Inmate killed at Florida State Prison... and officials just transferred to hide information. Many, many, other things illegally done.   Officials are suddenly resigning and local newspapers are covering and following this information. (Confirmation can be found below.)

These officials have been transferred to Apalachee Correctional Institution over the past two years as cover-up.  Upon transfer...the so-called "Raiford Mafia" continued their illegal activities.  They hired professional baseball players for their traveling teams and distributed steroids to them and suddenly put them on payroll.  State employees who were employed for years were dismissed or transferred to make room for more 'Mafia' members." ~An Officer




"There is so much behind this that more than likely haven't even stepped in the right
place yet.  What I mean is campaigning, money, and other political uses.  All I can figure out is ballplaying is a management tool that is used to bring loyalty to DOC. 

"What the press has exposed is true.  A lot of fighting and drunk officers get into trouble with the local police and it is always squashed.  Officers, who have good looking girlfriends or wifes are TOLD to  bring them to be Beer Babes."  That is what they call them.  Kind of like DOC Hooter girls.  They are paid, but I don't know how.  I WAS friends with one of these Beer Babes, and she was practically naked running around selling beer.  Which brings another subject...  Why is DOC making profits on alcohol?" 

"I wanted to give you a little info.  I was holding off, but since it was mentioned on the Fl Corr. Officer.Net site,  I will elaborate on what was said.

There were softball players hired at New River, FSP, ACI, Taylor and Mayo, who either never worked a day or played softball while they were suppose to be working.  At New River, FSP and ACI, Officers were hired or taken from other institutions, because they could play softball, were placed on admin. shifts, many given state cell phones

(NOTE: FOIA for cell phone records, especially bills/invoices for all cell phones assigned to staff at New River, FSP & Taylor, to see phones used for personal use). 

Also, at Taylor and Mayo, they made ID cards, which are state documents, for softball players who never worked for the Department.  At Mayo, where Crosby's nephew, (look into how fast he was promoted to Asst. Warden) a retired professional baseball player, Herbert Perry, was given an ID card so he could play in a couple of DC tournaments that were only for DC employees. 

They claimed he was working for the food service contractor ARAMARK.  Now, do you believe a millionaire, retired pro baseball player would work in such a job, where they hire McDonald rejects for $8 an hour?  This is a major no-no.  In fact, employees have been fired or forced to resign for making ID cards for similar reasons. 

The retiring Warden at Santa Rosa tried to report such activity at his institution, just this year, and Crosby had it swept under the ole rug.  Ask for such an incident report at Santa Rosa or ask the retired Warden, Petrovsky. 

At Taylor, they hired softball players to work OPS on the new construction, who had no construction skills and either paid them for work they didn't do or just gave them an ID card.  Hell, Clark flew some players down from NC to play in the last DC tournament, to ensure ACI's win.  This was so he could have control over next years tournament, the winner gets to host the next tournament and keep the profits - big money."  ~FDOC Officer

Waylon Hastings was a Sergeant at New River. August of 04, he promoted to Lieutenant under Warden McRae. He is an ass kisser, he knows a lot about all of the Clark goings on and was a do boy for Clark (or anyone else that could advance his career). He arranged a lot of the inmate labor to do jobs outside the institution for employees - he was supervisor of outside work squads. He spent a lot of his time running around on state time looking to speak to Brad Carter or some other politicking Crosby "ass sucker".  He also has a lawn care business on the side. It is reported that the trailer and equipment he uses for that business was inmate made.

Hastings made Major at Lawtey just a few short months ago. Not sure if he was even off probation from Lieutenant, not to mention he skipped Captain's rank.  Hastings pretends to be a Christian man but that is a farce. He is a vile vicious conniving creature and will stop at nothing to be promoted and has openly stated such. 

Hastings had to have known about all the goings on at FSP, NEW RIVER, UNION, RMC. Those 4 prisons may be 4 geographical locations but they were all run under the same hired guns. No place did anything without the entire click knowing about it.

Hastings made it his business to know things. This way he could use information to play one person off the other and gain promotions etc... He rarely spent his on the clock time doing the job. Used a state cell phone to track down his next political gain. Definitely one to look into.

Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005

Subject: FDOC

DOC softball players are paid by the institution hosting the tournament out of the employees club. The amount of money paid is based on where the hosting institution places in the tounament.

Is the employee's club for all employees?  Do they all vote on how the money in the fund is to be spent?  What kind of money is paid say to the top team vs the bottom team?

Kay Lee

NOTE: Get the daily security rosters for FSP, New River & Taylor and all the softball players' timesheets.  It will take the FBI & FDLE interviewing some of the softball players to get admissions that they practiced on state time.  Many of them will tell the truth now that Clark is gone. 

"We now have a new recruit that doesn't have to follow FDLE guidelines for the COBRA program. He gets to stay in the receiving area (if that is where he really is) most of us have not seen him at all. But the rest of the new recruits are completing the program sweating their "B_ _ LS" OFF on the compound, and learning the job. While Matt Whitehead enjoys a leisurely day. There is the answer WHITEHEAD brother of Brad!!!! He will make rank quick!!!"

"Well, things at Avon Park C.I. are about the way that they are in Region 2 now. Mr. Landress and Mr. Hendrickson have both been gone over a year now. Mr. Davis came down from UCI and the good old boy softball players are just as prominent in Avon Park CI now. RRT (Riot Squad) members sit out practice and cook breakfast for the Security Supervisors' meeting. Same silly stuff as up North."

I recently sent some info about Avon Park. the name of the former professional that was recruited is Matt Tindell. still don't know about Johnson. Of course everyone is walking on eggshells these days. Except for this matter there isn't really too much going on. Uses of force have increased since the invasion but I haven't heard any real complaints of brutality.

3 prison officers relieved of duty in fight inquiry

3 workers at DOC face dismissal

October 15. 2005 6:01AM

y at least one standard, the performance of the Florida State Prison's softball team at the 2002 Florida Law Enforcement Games was a success: The team of 20 Department of Corrections employees, known as "The Big House," won the men's tournament in Tampa.

But the behavior of the team was "barbaric" according to one competitor. Organizers fielded a number of complaints about The Big House's actions, including challenges to fight. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office was called to investigate an alleged battery on an umpire.

And recent years have brought bad news for some team members. Three have been arrested for participating in a steroids ring, three others have been mentioned in a state and federal investigation, one quit after a battery arrest and one killed himself earlier this month.

The coach of the team was Allen Clark, the former Region I director who resigned his $94,000-a-year job in late August during an ongoing investigation into DOC by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That resignation took effect on Friday. Clark was a close friend of DOC Secretary James Crosby, who oversaw Clark's rise from a $14,000-a-year corrections officer post in 1988 to one of the agency's highest positions, overseeing more than one-fourth of the state's inmates in the Panhandle.

The FBI and FDLE are investigating Clark's association with former DOC workers charged in a steroids ring, including three former Big House teammates. They are also investigating Clark's use of funds generated through employees clubs and recycling programs.

The intensely competitive world of slow-pitch softball is an unlikely but integral part of the state and federal investigation.

Earlier this month, Mark Guerra was arrested and charged with grand theft after FDLE investigators alleged he failed to perform work at Apalachee Correctional Institution in Sneads. Investigators said Guerra was hired by ACI Col. Richard Frye to play softball in the annual DOC secretary's tournament in Jacksonville.

Guerra is a former professional baseball player. Frye was a member of the 2002 Big House team and has closely followed Clark through his DOC career.

Frye, 36, and Clark, 40, and another Big House player, ACI Major James Bowen, 36, were both mentioned in another FDLE investigation this year. A former DOC employee declined to press charges against the three men after they allegedly beat and kicked him during an April 1 softball banquet in Tallahassee after he accidentally fell and knocked down a woman.

And in 1999 DOC investigators were told that Clark improperly used employees' funds to buy uniforms, pay for hotels for players and "bat girls" and also take care of other expenses including beer and food. DOC workers claimed Clark intimidated anyone who questioned the use of thousands of dollars for the softball teams.

"To play sharp," one DOC worker recalled Clark saying, "you have to feel sharp and to feel sharp, you have to look sharp."

DOC spokesman Robby Cunningham said last week that the agency sponsors athletic tournaments in a number of sports, including softball, golf, horseshoes and flag football.

He said the state and federal attention given to the softball activities hasn't changed the agency's opinion that the sport provides a valuable boost in employee morale.

"There may be some isolated incidents that have prompted us to take a closer look and through that, we may be able to address issues that will improve the overall benefit to employees," he said.

'Thug behavior'
The Big House's march through the field at the 2002 tournament, sponsored by a Jacksonville nonprofit group called Florida Law Enforcement Games, was tainted by controversial behavior. Following a June 20, 2002, game, witnesses told Hillsborough County sheriff's officers that after an umpire ejected FSP shortstop Dal Beggs from the game, Beggs reportedly ran across the field yelling obscenities, took a swing at the umpire and then pushed the umpire.

By the time deputies arrived, Beggs had left the area. According to the incident report, Clark told deputies there was no fight and that it was a "common altercation between umpire and players."

Despite being Beggs' supervisor at Florida State Prison and his softball coach, Clark told deputies that "he did not know Beggs' address or phone number and that his teammates probably did not know it either."

A sergeant from the Miami-Dade Police Department participating in his 13th law enforcement games complained to event coordinators, calling the comportment of Big House team members "thug behavior." Specifically, the sergeant wrote that during the game, "four members of that team walked out on the field brandishing bats. On-deck batters? I think not."

At the end of the game, the sergeant wrote that he saw Big House team members meet at home plate where they "began to taunt and yell obscenities" at their opponents' fans.

A Pinellas County deputy wrote to event organizers to complain about Big House players laughing when one of them hit a pitcher while batting and then beginning to "talk about buying each other dinner "for the next guy that hits the pitcher."

A member of the Coral Gables Police Department wrote to organizers to say he was "disgusted by the barbaric behavior exhibited by FSP," including the Big House players who followed members of the Coral Gables team out of the softball complex to challenge them to a fight.

Several agencies also expressed concern that Big House players appeared to be people they knew to hold non-prison jobs, which should have disqualified them from participating. Earlier this week, Crosby said he was aware of eligibility concerns regarding prison teams and he said he took action.

"Historically, there was a time when somebody would get on payroll just before a tournament, so two - or maybe three years ago - we put together a rules committee for the Secretary's (softball) Tournament and our first rule was that you have to have drawn a paycheck before you could play," Crosby said.

Trouble off the field
Many Big House players faced later legal woes that ended their DOC careers.

Beggs, 35, resigned from the department after being arrested by Gainesville Police in 2002. The Melrose resident had been hired as an OPS carpenter at FSP March 15, 2002. Prison records show Beggs was promoted to correctional officer on June 21, 2002, the day after he was ejected from the game in Tampa. On Sept. 11, 2002, Beggs was arrested by Gainesville Police and charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, threatening a public servant and resisting arrest without violence in a case in which officers said pepper spray didn't affect Beggs as they tried to control him. Charges were dropped after Beggs resigned from the department.

Three Big House players have left DOC after steroids arrests earlier this year.

Marcus Hodges, 32, also known as Marcus Starling, was a 1994 draft pick by the Minnesota Twins. In addition to being arrested with Beggs during the 2002 incident in Gainesville, he was among those with prison ties who were indicted in February on federal steroids distribution charges.

His trial is scheduled for November in Jacksonville.

Oscar Shipley, 34, was a sergeant at FSP in 2002 and when he was arrested at New River Correctional Institution earlier this year in the steroids case.

He resigned from the department, and federal records show he is awaiting sentencing. The third team member charged in the steroids case, Michael Chambliss, 36, was a correctional officer at FSP in 2002 and was fired by the department on Aug. 23, 2005, for failing to report to work following administrative leave. His case is pending in federal court.

Another Big House player, Keith Davison, 39, was a sergeant at FSP in 2002 and was promoted twice to captain at the same prison.

He died of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound on Oct. 4 on Union Correctional Institution property after being publicly named in connection with a sexual assault investigation.

Moving up the ranks
In addition to Davison, a number of Big House players have been promoted rapidly within the DOC.

Bowen and Frye have closely followed Clark's rise through the agency. Bowen, a sergeant at FSP in 2002 is now a major at Apalachee Correctional Institution, the prison where Clark's regional office was located.

Crosby was asked to comment on some of the player's promotions. His only comment on Bowen was that he was "a longtime employee."

Frye, now the colonel at Apalachee, was a sergeant at FSP in 2002. Crosby had no comment on Frye other than to say, "I didn't know he was on the softball team."

Other team members whose careers made upward leaps over the past three years include Rodney Barnett, 41, who was a sergeant at FSP in 2002 and is now the major at the New River Correctional Institution Work Camp, and John Henderson, a correctional officer at FSP in 2002 and now a captain at the South Florida Reception Center in Miami. Dale Hughes, 36, was a lieutenant at FSP in 2002 and is now an assistant warden at Gulf Correctional Institution in Wewahitchka.

"This (promotion) was a unique case," Crosby said. "He has a degree and lots of experience in security and classifications."

Claude Henderson, 40, was a lieutenant at FSP in 2002 and is now a colonel at Union Correctional Institution. Crosby explained Henderson's promotion as the result of normal movement of officers up the rank as needed within the department.

Other members of the 2002 team who were promoted two ranks within the past three years include: Kevin Windham, 37, a sergeant at FSP in 2002 and now a captain at Mayo Correctional Institution; and Kevin Kennington, 25, a correctional officer at FSP in 2002 and now a lieutenant at South Florida Reception Center.

Team members who have moved up one rank since are John Rhoden, 32, who was a correctional officer at FSP and is now a sergeant at New River Correctional Institution, and Randall Polk, 36, the former classification supervisor at FSP who is now an assistant warden at the same prison.

A few of the players remain at the same rank they held while playing on the 2002 team.

Karen Voyles is a reporter for The Gainesville Sun and can be contacted at Joe Follick is a reporter in the Sun Tallahassee Bureau and can be contacted at

"Remember, they are still missing one huge piece of the puzzle.  Darryl Strawberry!" 


Remember, regarding ballplayers, they are still missing one huge piece of the puzzle.  Darryl Strawberry!  He was also involved in getting these softball teams prepped for a win.  I have reporters working on this.  Right now, he is back in the news.  DOC does not want this to leak out.  I've known it for years.

"Strawberry coached the FSP softball team!  Darryl was a "chosen" inmate in Region II who was put in Gainesville C.I. for Drug Therapy.  But, the real motive for his location was that he was pulled out everyday and transported up to Starke to coach the team.  It was well known and people were forbidden to say anything about this.  Crosby and Clark regularly had him at their homes OVERNIGHT!  They fed him, gave him booze and women. 

"Well the only thing I can say at this time, is that Strawberry is back in the news due to his divorce from his wife.  Apparently, he is back in trouble with the law.  So, Darryll may talk for prosecuters who are handling his violation of probation.   

"Other inmates that have EOS from G'ville around the time Strawberry was incarcerated may talk also.  Staff is also scared.  He was brought out at night and taken to FSP to the gym (which is out of public sight).  Then, from what I heard, he was rewarded by going to Crosby and Clark's homes for dinner, drinks and sexual visits, etc.   

"Because he was doing a drug rehab program, maybe there is a paper trail that would prove he never completed the course.  Also, the count had to be justified when he was out of the prison during master count, etc.  An inmate would be on what we call the out count.  Dorm logs also could give clues.  Somewhere an officer would have made a mistake in hiding all of  this.   

"Another place to look would be the vehicle logs.  Every time an officer transports using a state vehicle the destination and milage has to be recorded.  If we find a vehicle that is regularly gone from the institution at the same time with the same destination, mileage, etc. that would help.  When a state vehicle gasses up, they must record the tag number, mileage, date, gallons, and where the fuel was loaded.  The evening shift (4-12) is where I would look.   

"Any staff member that has a grudge with G'ville C.I would be helpful too.  Although not much comes out of G'ville CI there was a lot of controversy over there.  Staff wanted out all the time.  It does not have a good reputation.   

"But first, because Strawberry faces charges, again, he may be willing to tell all for a plea agreement.  If I hear anything or think of anything else, I will contact you.  Let me know if I have helped you in anyway.  Again, DO NOT POST!  P.S. Congradulations for making the news!  I am so proud of you and your hard work.  GOD BLESS. 

"One last suggestion that I forgot.  Institutional rosters should show an officer on transport.  That would be a huge clue.  It should be logged in the institutional (control room log) when an officer is away from the institution.  Transports on the evening shift are rare and usually only done in an emergency.  These are all public records that I have given to you.  They are signed by the OIC and forwarded to the Chief OIC for review. 

"Control Room Logs have to be kept for ten years.  I am not sure about the policy of other logs.  Dorm logs are very important too.  His inmate bank account should be looked into also.  Any unusual deposits would be a clue.  I am sure DOC was smart enough to deposit money in his account under an
alias, but that can be traced too. 

"If someone looking at the ongoings of Gainesville, they might find a mixup in a count or something that would justify Strawberry being absent.

"Anyway, like Lawtey, these smaller institutions are wonderful to put inmates and other misc. stuff in.  Staff is not as large and they do not question much.  Money was stashed at Lawtey.'

"Your best bet is to focus on Strawberry.  I know there is a trail to be found and people who more than likely will tell.  Putting someone like Strawberry in the news would be wonderful exposure to this whole ball playing thing.  Everyone in the South knows who he is and that he did time at a sweet camp.  He did his time at community custody and was DR free.  He got his perks from Crosby and Clark.  Everyone knew it and did not dare share or talk about his "freedom" to come and go as he pleased.  Brad Carter was behind it too."

STRAWBERRY, DARRYL E T17169 BLACK MALE BLACK BROWN 6'05'' 216 04/08/2003 03/12/1962

(This information was current as of 4/8/2003)

FDOC Offender Photo Darrel Strawberry
DC Number:  T17169
Race:  BLACK
Sex:  MALE
Hair Color:  BLACK
Eye Color:  BROWN
Height:  6'05''
Weight:  216 lbs.
Birth Date:  03/12/1962
Release Facility:  GAINESVILLE C.I.
Release Date:  04/08/2003

Stated Residence Upon Release:
LUTZ, FL. 33549 33549
Scars, Marks, and Tattoos:
Type Location Description
Current Prison Sentence History:
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Prison Sentence Length
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 04/29/2002 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 1Y 6M 0D
Incarceration History:
Date In-Custody Date Out-of-Custody
04/30/2002 04/08/2003
Prior Community Supervision History: (Note: Data reflected covers periods of community supervision with the Florida Dept.of Corrections since January of 1983)
Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Community Supervision Length
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 05/26/1999 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 0Y 18M 0D
04/14/1999 MISDEMEANOR 05/26/1999 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 1Y 0M 0D
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 09/12/2000 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 2Y 0M 0D
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 11/09/2000 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 2Y 0M 0D
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 11/09/2000 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 1Y 0M 0D
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 05/17/2001 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 2Y 0M 0D
04/14/1999 COCAINE - POSSESSION 05/17/2001 HILLSBOROUGH 9906379 1Y 0M 0D



If you have any information on these incidents, please contact me,
Kay Lee at
I will keep you anonymous.