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By Region 1 Employees of the Florida Department of 'Corrections'

Extortion of Correctional employees' money and off-duty time since AC Clark came to Region 1 (some at ACI/some region-wide).

This is a VERY BRIEF synopsis of how BAD it truly is presently in Region 1.

*Mandatory attendance at "shift parties" held at "big house."
Day and evening shift were served steak; while midnight shift had chicken.  Names of those who did not participate were noted in writing and many have lost preferred shift and/or days off as a result.  Regular off-duty employees had to attend on their own time. Arrangements were made for other employees to cover the shift for those who were supposed to be on-duty (i.e. admin. employees had to cover for evening and midnight shift), who subsequently were allowed off and had to use annual leave to attend the party.  This was early on, when Clark's dictatorship first began, supposedly an effort to make employees believe he was doing something "for" them -- relaxed employees are happy employees -- yeah, right!

*Mandatory giving to FSECC with retaliatory action taken against those who did not give.

*Mandatory purchase of tickets to "benefit dinner" held to raise funds to cover salary of suspended employee(s) in late 2004 (discipline resulting from incident which occurred under "old regime"). Names of those who did not participate were noted in writing.

*Mandatory purchase of tickets to "benefit dinner" held to raise funds to make a donation when Colonel Frye's sister was killed.  Names of those who did not participate were noted in writing.

*Mandatory purchase of tickets to infamous Halloween party at 'big house'.  Names of those who did not participate were noted in writing. 1500 tickets were printed and "required" to be sold/purchased (maybe 300 to 500 showed up). Shift captains were REQUIRED to sell or purchase 15 tickets each.

*Mandatory donations to Colonel Frye's birthday gift fund;  captains were required to give $20, lieutenants $10, sergeants $5, and COs $3.  Ultimately over $900 was collected, which supposedly was spent on a pair of boots [for Col. Frye].  Names of those who did not participate were noted in writing.

*Mandatory attendance by off-duty employees at flag football tournament held in Marianna January 7-9th, 2005.  Those not on a team and off-duty were expected to be there, wearing a $7 T-shirt they were required to purchase, as well as paying a gate fee.

****Regarding flag football tourney: 21 teams participated at an entry fee of $350 each.  Where does this money go?  Where does the money go from all the other DOC sports - constant basketball, volleyball, softball, golf, bowling tourneys with huge entry fees?  What is the purpose of all this? It hardships the employees who do not participate and institutional security takes a back burner to sports.  Special preference is given to players (weekend days off, day shift or admin shift).  Non-participants are forced to give up regular days off to cover for players.  Players are allowed to practice on STATE TIME and shift supervisors are dared to question it!!!  Players are given off-duty time to play, and shift supervisors are dared to question it, regardless of how short staffed it leaves the shift.  Referees are paid their regular salary while at the ball field refereeing the tourney.  If the truth were known, players are probably PLAYING, as well as practicing, on STATE TIME (TAXPAYERS' DIME).

*Mandatory purchase of tickets to "benefit dinner" held to raise funds to cover salary of suspended Captain Shealy  (5 day suspension - discipline resulting from incident which occurred under "old regime").  This mandatory benefit was held at SEVERAL institutions in Region 1, not only ACI.  With over 600 plates sold at $5 a pop, this "benefit" raised far more money than was needed to cover Captain Shealy's salary for 5 days!  Where did it go???

NOTE:  Monies from most events listed supposedly go into Employees Club treasury.  Since Clark came to Region 1, there are no longer individual Employees Clubs at each institution.  It is now a singular Region 1 Employees Club with Clark (or his appointee) in charge. 

Before Clark, Employee Club funds were used to purchase funeral flowers in the death of employees' family members, or to assist employees with sever illnesses in their families, or catastrophic events, such as losing their home to fire, tornado, etc.  Funds also were used to host annual Christmas parties for employees, parties which employees actually attended by choice and enjoyed, where thousands of dollars worth of door prizes were given away to employees.

*Since Allen W. Clark took over the funds, who is really "benefiting" from his extortion???  Where is the money going?  What is he doing with it???

*How can anyone be surprised that the "riot" which occurred at ACI on January 31 did occur?  Employee sports, parties, money raising and ass-kissing have taken precedence over ANY modicum of security and "playing by the rules" at that institution - and the inmates know it! 

They also know that the "FSP officer mentality" has been brought to ACI, and their lives and living conditions have changed as a result.  I fear for the surrounding communities, the officers, and the inmates, that January 31st is just a glimpse of things to come in Region 1.


Extortion In It's Many Forms

To Area Ministers and Local Leaders

To The Florida Democratic Party

To Bill Warner, FSECC Fiscal Agent

Opening page of Packet