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Timeless Love - Chapter 6

When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears When you scream I’d fight away all of your fears and I’ve held your hand though all of these years but you still have all of me —My Immortal by Evanescence

Jessica was looking forward to the dance she has never been to the dances. She was always a loner. And no guys during school did not like her. But she was going with Gilderoy Lockhart a very famous wizard. She just hoped Severus would not ask her. She was in her room that night getting ready she put on a Green and Sliver dress.

As Jessica put the dress on she heard a knock at the door.

Jessica: Hold on I need to get my robe on!

As she put on her dress Her door busted open.

Jessica: AH!

A Man With Long blonde hair came into the room. It was Jessica’s father.

Jessica: I wish you would not do that. I’m trying to get ready Dad.

Lucius: Ready? For what?

Jessica: the teachers are having a ball. To get to know each other. Gilderoy Lockhart asked me to go with him.

Lucius: Why did you say yes to that git?

Jessica: Because I thought it would be nice. Now can you leave so I can get ready?

Lucius: Fine then I’ll be back.

Jessica got dressed and walked out of her office to see if her date was coming. Sure enough he was walking down the hall. Then he stopped to talk to her father. Jessica thought Oh no he is talking to my Dad. Jessica walks over to join in the conversation.

Jessica: What are we talking about Gilderoy?

Lucius: You. He is willing to leave you alone after this.

Jessica: DAD! That is so unfair. Why are you always in my business?

Lucius: because it’s my job.

Jessica storms away to the Great Hall with Lockhart running after her.

Lockhart: Jessica I sense something is wrong.

Jessica: Yeah there is but it is none of you Damn business.

Lockhart stands there dumb struck(you got the dumb part right LMAO). But then walks in the Great Hall with his same old cheesy grin. That night turned out to be really fun she danced with everyone and talked to everyone.

Two days have passed the students are at Hogwarts now.

Jessica was happy to start teaching again. She loved teaching. Her father has been around a lot that year which made things harder for her. Her father made her nervous. She missed Tom and hoped to see him one time.

The night cold and quiet in her office. Then suddenly a knock woke her out of her bored mind. She went to the door and opened it and there was a girl with red hair standing there. Jessica knew who this was because she knows The Weasley family very well.

Jessica: Ginny, Dear what are you doing here this late at night.

But Ginny did not say anything she just grabbed Jessica’s arm and led her to a girl’s bathroom. Jessica knew this bathroom to well it was Moaning Myrtle bathroom. Jessica Looked at Myrtle.

Jessica: Myrtle, What is going on?

Myrtle: I don’t know she is always like that when she comes in here.

Myrtle floated away. Then Ginny spoked a funny language, and Jessica knew what that was too. But was not sure if it was her voice. Again Ginny took her arm and threw her down the whole that appeared when she spoke. Jessica looked around finding herself in a dungeon like place. Then she saw Tom.

Jessica: TOM!....How?....Where?...

Tom: This happen because of my diary and you.

Jessica: Me? Why Me?

Tom: You missed me.

Jessica: Yes, I did. I keep forgetting you can feel that.

Tom: This here is the Chamber of Secrets. Here I can walk around like I was in my diary. And yes, We can do things like we did in my diary only this time it’s more real than before.

Jessica: I figured that. But I rather talk right now.

Tom: What about?

Jessica: My father, My life, My love, My Loving you.

Tom: What has your father been doing now?

Jessica: He has been treating me like trash, So That is why I been thinking about life, Should I let myself live when my own father hates me and my only love, I can’t say his name with out people overreacting. So I been thinking about killing myself. I tried to. But did not get far.

Tom: Don’t think about suicide, Your father will be taught a lesson when I’m truly back. But, I promise I won’t Kill him. And yes, saying my name is almost forbidden, But, you must keep to yourself till I’m back. I understand other men will ask you out. But you must wait for me.

Jessica: Tom, Why do you like me?

Tom: Because you make me smile, Your smart and you make a smart decision.

Jessica: What smart decision?

Tom: To not take sides. I wish I was like you. But I’m not and no matter how I try I can’t change.

Jessica: You have changed.

Tom: How did I change?

Jessica: You realized that your doing something wrong.

Tom: I don’t really hate muggles Jessica. Just so you know. I just say I hate them so my Death Eaters will follow me and they have something to do.

Jessica: Has my father killed anyone?

Tom: Yes he has killed both wizards and muggles.

Jessica shocked looks at him about to cry. He touches her face gently.

Tom: I’m sorry........I think you better go so your not up all night. We will see each other soon.

Jessica: Wait, Why is Ginny helping you?

Tom: Ah young Ginny, She is part of a piece to help me get out of here. Don’t you worry dear. Now go follow Miss Ginny out and I will have her come for you again soon.

Jessica follows Ginny out of the Chamber and then Ginny leaves off to her dorm. Jessica walks back slowly to her office. On her way to her office Severus is by her door standing there.

Severus: Where have you been Jessica?

Jessica: I was out for a walk.

Severus: Oh, um Gilderoy, Got all panicky and almost banged down my door looking for you. So you might want to go see him.

Jessica: Thanks, I’ll see him in the morning.

Severus: Don’t be surprised if he comes pounding on your door later.

Jessica: Your right I better go now.

Jessica walks down to Lockhart’s office and sees her father there. Jessica stops and moans. Then walks down.

Jessica: We’re starting a search party are we?

Lucius: JESSICA! Where were you?

Jessica: Look I went for a walk. Is that ok?

Lucius: Don’t talk smart to me young lady!

Gilderoy comes out.

Lockhart: Jessica, there you are.

Jessica: As I was telling my Father. I went out for a walk.

Lockhart: You were gone for 2 hours. Most walks don’t take that long.

Jessica: Sorry, I got side track.

Lucius: Well, Next time remember you got a job now and getting side track does not give you much time for sleep.

Jessica: Well, Next time I’ll ask you if it’s ok to go for a nice walk.

Lucius got red in the face. He reached over and smacked her.

Lucius: Never again talk like that again to me.

Lucius walked away and Lockhart stood there like he felt sorry.

Lockhart: I’m sorry. It was my fault. I owl him.

Jessica: Well, Now you know. Not to do it again. I go though this enough at home. I don’t need it at work. Maybe you should have a talk with Severus. He knows.

Severus walked up behind her.

Severus: I heard my name.

Jessica: Severus Don’t ever do that again! My Father just slapped me. Because bonehead here owl him because I was gone for a few hours.

Severus: Gilderoy, her father is a monster. If you like her do her a favor and leave him out of her business.

Lockhart: I promise I won’t. I’m sorry Jessica.

Jessica: Just leave me alone. That is all I want.

Lockhart walked away looking hurt.

Severus: That was mean. He did say sorry.....

Jessica: Look, I’m not a nice person when a person summons my Daddy because I’m not in my office. And Then out of all that I get smacked in the face.

Severus: Well if you would of let me finish You would of heard me say you’re my kind of girl.

Jessica: Oh.

They both laugh as they walk to her office.

The next morning was going to be busy because it was the first class of the year. Jessica was not ready for such a long day. She was still sad over her father smacking her. But maybe if she got her mind off it her day would go better than she hoped.