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The Bitter Truth

I have discovered the secret of true love, it doesn't exist. I'm not saying love doesn't, because it does. One person can easily love another person, but true love that’s different. That is an unattainable myth. Many people think they find it, but they are just naive. True love is when two people love each other and they are like soul mates or some shit, bound by the stars and all that romantic bull shit you probably feed to your significant other. And under those circumstances of true love, it can't be real. Marriages will end in divorce, look at the statistics. The few that do last, are either for citizenship or there are secret affairs going on behind the backs of their spouses. I'm not saying its not completely impossible, occasionally you see the elderly still together after several years, but is that because it is true love, or is it that they worked themselves in to such a routine over the years that its just not worth the effort to give up on? You can criticize my theory all you want, and claim that it does exist just to keep some pointless hope in your life of finding mister or misses right, but I’ve come to realize the truth, and that’s that true love does not exist, so you have to stop wishing to find it, cause it ain’t gonna happen. You just have to suck it up and settle for something less, that or just remain single your entire life, but whatever you decide, I advise you get the absurd notion out of your mind that you will find true love, is time to be cynical and realistic. Life isn’t a fairy tale. Its time for all of us to grow up, lose the idea of a Walt Disney fantasy and come to terms with real life. And that's the bitter truth.