Fetus Songs

Ahh, welcome to the placenta of the BIBLE. Here, you will find the lyrics to the Fetus Songs,and other Fetus works. created by the same losers who made the book. Baby rights people who get pissed off easily at like...evil baby stuff, leave now...cause you'll prolly get all weirded out here. The fetus songs outnumbered all of the other ones, so it gets its own page. Now that I'm done warning people, grab your umbilical cord, and lets go!

Fetus Song #2

Love to eat them fetus
Fetus is what I love to eat
Bite them little heads off
Nibble on their tiny feet!

Fetus Song #3 (to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel")
All around the fallopian tubes,
the spermies chase the eggie
One lucky swimmer catches the egg
POP! There's a fetus!

Fetus song #4 (to the tune of "Jack be Nimble")
Fetus is smart.
Fetus does Pot.
Fetus has learned to tie a knot.
Maybe next time fetus gets bored,
He won't tie his umbilical cord!

Fetus Song #5 (The Angry Mother to her fetus
Fetus, fetus you make me fat,
That's not nice, you little rat.
If you don't soon make me slender,
It'll be time to visit Mr. Blender.

Now presenting: The Life of a Fetus

Originally, this was a conversation between me and Blue online....then I thought it was funny and Billie put it in order and made it into this materpiece.

This picture just...fits here. Now on to the fetus life:

8 weeks: Fetus can exercise.

9 weeks: Fetus does not like rapid growth, goes on Atkin’s diet.

10 weeks: Fetus loses 10 pounds.

11 weeks: Fetus discovers amazon.com and puts mother and father in debt before birth.

12 weeks: Fetus ains back 10 pounds plus 30 more, decides to try a new diet.

15 weeks: Fetus recomends Slim Fast. “Great taste and good for your health too!”

16 weeks: Fetus becomes a diva. Scores #1 album and makes 3 hit videos into hissyfits and tantrums. Storms off stage in first concert; Monthly doctor inspection, Fetus tidys up uterus with windex and swiffer wet jet.

17 weeks: Fans discover fetus lip synchs.

18 weeks: Fetus has phases of sleep and waking-may prefer a favorite sleep position. Ovaries of female fetus contain primative egg cells, all the eggs a woman’ll ever have.

19 weeks: Fetus finds true love with mother’s kidney.

Week 20: Fetus may suck on thumb, apply sun tan lotion and use a back-scratcher.

Week 21: Fetus rebels, cuts own umbilical cord and deflates.

Week 22: Fetus grows, it has less space to move around in; Fetus is sold to slavery.

Week 23: Fetus learns to predict weather.

Week 25: Fetus grows new storage facility and magazine to house ammunition.

Week 28: Brain surface convolution, fetal brain surface appears wrinkled.

Week 32: Fetus rests on uterus, no longer floating.

Week 36: Grasp becomes firmer.

Week 37: Fetus takes on initiative to create the world’s first electronic icecream scooper.

Week 38: Fetus joins war on terror campaign, is able to use middle finger against Osama- space limitation continues to restrict fetal movement.

Week 39: Fetus gets bored and writes books: “Stuck Inside: How to make your uterus pretty on a rainy day”, “10 ways to make your mother sit down”, and “Lifestyles of the Rich and Fetus: How to deal with outgrowing your uterus and other psychological problems”

Week 43: Fetus is able to be a guest-star on Oprah.

Week 55: Fetus has full use of RK47 assault rifle.

Week 56: Fetus can vote in 10 states, legally.

Week 57: Fetus can get an abortion.

Week 58: Fetus does not like limited space so it learns to tie mother’s intestines in knots. When it fails to get its space it calls Goldberg & Osbourn to sue mother and appear on the Judge Joe Brown show.

Week 69: Fetus learns to....nevermind.

Week 70: Fetus is put before a grand jury, tried for treason and hanged.

Week 75: Fetus discovers Christmas and demands to recieve Barbie’s Jammin’ Jungle Jeep- 2000 edition.

Week 78: Fetus learns that its umbilical cord is not a toy.

Week 99: Fetus breaks mother’s water, attempts to glue it back together.

Week 100: Fetus wonders if it’ll ever come out-consults Ms. Cleo..

Week 101: Fetus is a kung fu master, black belt in karate and can kick your ass.

Week 104: Mr. Mylagi summons fetus to the temple of the east. Fetus is put on a personal conquest to combat evil and fight mysterious ninjas.

Fabulously Fun Fetal Factoids!

Now, for some um....I guess "fun" facts...more fetalness.

Fingernails reach over finger tips and it can scratch itself

Smart fetus knows how to store: Fetus stores about 15% of weight in fat to keep temperature of body warm.

Skin appears light pink because of blood vessels close to its surface.

Face turns toward light sources in what is known as the orienting response.

Fetal position is best position.

#1 reason why pregnant women fall down stairs: Fetus learns to throw tantrums.