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The Void!


Hey now! welcome to the_void and have fun looking around. If you have any tips or suggestions... just email me.

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore

*Tell me what you thought about when you were gone and so alone. The worst is over. You can have the best of me. We got older but we're still young. We never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up*- The Starting Line (For more Song Lyrics visit the Random Dribblets section!)

Me transmitte sursum, Caledoni! = *Beam me up, Scotty!*

For more fun Latin phrases, and some Polish too, visit the Random Dribblets Section!

Brill Websites!

Muggle Net {Excellent Harry Potter site}

Bubblegum Club -sweet cartoons!

Comics-how do you live with out them?

Cool Quiz (has quotes,quizzes,'born on this day', and lots more!)

Homestar Runner!! this site is awesome -- go to the intro on the Homepage.. really funny!


Random Dribblets!

Hapazard Tidbits- Fun Facts I Bet You Never Knew!

^*^ Click Kittie to Email ^*^

Hey now! hope you like my site! If you take anything off here just remember to site me @ The Void!

Any and all pictures you see like the one above are from the United Kingdom website 'The Bubblegum Club' located at