
You want the truth? you can't handle the truth!

You can't handle the truth!

rant | more ranting! | the heretic | |
- i'm not antisocial, society is anti-me -

I'm so fucking sick of people. Most are such self serving assholes who only keep you around when they want something from you and once you're no longer useful they could give a damn about you. Often it's unintentional, but it's still fucking annoying. Self preservation and all that shit. In rare moments of complete clarity everyones motives are transparent, and turn out to be totally centered around what you can do for them and whenever they show interest in whats going on in your life it's simply a way to make you entertain them or cheer you up so you won't bring them down anymore. EVERYONES fucking motives revolve around that concept. Goddamn people.

the quote i used for my last rant is the most commonly used one from fight club, but not my favorite. "when people think you're dying they really listen to you..." "... instead of just waiting for their turn to speak." That pretty much sums up what i mean by all motivation being self serving. heh although... the situation in fight club alluded to by that quote is still self serving. The people at those groups are leaching off of the others just as they do in a normal situation, perhaps more so. parasites.

more reasons i hate people: hypocracy and the mob mentality. People with double standards piss me off. Like it's so horrible if someone else cheats on their girlfriend or some such petty bs, but if they themselves do it its just the most natural wonderful thing in the world. Or when people say murder is the most horrible thing, then start quoting the old testament. Hello you fucks! you think it's not hypocritical at all to uphold the slaughter of thousands of women and children simply because they were born to the wrong city, then preach at people to "love thy neibor"???? Simply because something is done in the name of your fucking god, doesn't make it right! I seriously can't understand how people can put all their faith into a book that contradicts itself constantly, claims at the end that every word written theirin is strait from the mouth of god, yet was in reality was written by men, who in the same book are said to be faulty in everything. IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENCE!

apoligies to those who are of the christian faith, this isn't supposed to be about downing the religion... it just drives me nuts. You're faith is you're own business, and as i am not all knowing it is not my place to judge. this is just my view on the subject. in other words i dont hate the players i hate the fucking game. People who hate all christians simply because they're christians exceptionally piss me off. Just because i don't agree with their philosophy does not mean i have to hate them all without exception. I have some very good christian friends and as long as they respect my views i respect theirs. You fucking people who hate POD just because they're christian are as bad as if not worse than the type of christian you claim to hate so much. that attitude is not only facist but it's hypocritical because you become the type of person you rallty against. HATE POD BECAUSE THEIR MUSIC SUCKS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION! DAMN YOU ALL!

ok, enough about religion. Let us deviate for a moment to the subject of mob mentality. This is applicable to every social problem we have. humanity at large is host to every crackpot notion ever conceived. With enough publicity, one person can enflame an tiny little nothing issue until the fate of the fucking nation is dependant on a moral quam which otherwise wouldn't even be considered as a deciding factor. *coughgaymarriagecough* the computer just jumped like four feet to the right... ok the hallucinations might be a sign that it's time to stop writing. ;)

......,........anyway, before i go, keep in mind that when you "protect the sanctity of marriage" you're giving in to the same kind of propaganda which hitler used to justify slaughtering jews, blacks and gay people. So unless you aspire to elect the next hitler, please don't vote for bush. seriously... just say no to hitler.

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