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The First Draft

The rain is something that everyone views as the life giver. Sometimes the rain can be loud. Other times, the rain gives one the chance to sit back and relax. Relaxation from the steady rhythm of rain can be one of the most soothing sounds available. Rain gives life to plants, but it can bring upon other feelings when people are in the mood for it. The steady rhythm of rain falling on one’s head can bring about annoyance. The Chinese discovered this a long time ago. Rain brings depression. It is the darkness of it. Rain brings darkness, and, as a result, fear. Everyone is afraid of the dark. No one wants to be alone in a dark alley in the rain. It must be something found within the inner psyche, some trigger within the brain that is pulled. That trigger breaks at a few pounds of pressure, the finger doesn’t have to try very hard. It’s funny how such a small part of the body can placed in motion and subjected to steel can end the life of another body. The trigger is the same in rain. It only takes a little bit, just a small shower. A small pull on the trigger of that gun, and people fall like, well, fat rain drops from a heavy cloud filled sky. Rain always comes in the spring. Spring is supposed to be the beginning of new things. Most people, if you were to ask them, would most likely equate winter, an entire period of looking out the window and seeing nothing but the stillness of life, as the time for depression, But, it’s too cold in the winter for rain. No, rain must come in the spring. Everything becomes green again. The flowers are out in bloom. Birds sing, squirrels and rabbits are out in full numbers. Rain has a certain smell to it. It’s an old, musty smell. Everyone knows the smell when it hits their nose, but no one knows quite what to think of it. It’s impossible to describe the smell, except that it is the best and worst smell at the same time. Rain sometimes brings accessories with it. Rain brings noise and light, clashing and roaring through the sky, making the spectacle of this depression bringer that much more spectacular. And, maybe there is a reason for that. The mind is strong and weak at the same time. Men of strong constitution can hear the rain, can smell the rain, can feel the cold, heavy, rhythmic drops descend upon them, and not be taken aback. Rain in itself is a meesely nuisance. One could think of it as being a necessary evil. But, when it brings along its grab bag of lightning, thunder, and wind, it’s power is unstoppable. God knew what the weather was about when He created it. Men were given free will, and therefore, God knew that men would be greedy, proud, and unafraid of whatever regular life on the planet could offer. And, since sinfulness and corruption continue to dominate the world and society in general, God knew that there were subtle ways to keep the human mind in check. Rain is always there to remind us that there is no complete control of life. Noah is a perfect example. There was rain from the first days of Adam, but when man became so sinful that he ignored the rain, and rejoiced in its temper, God sent His might behind it. The rain fell for forty days. Forty days of the sound of rain. Forty days of the feeling of it, dripping down your face, soaking through your shirt. It doesn’t matter that without rain you can’t survive. It has everything to do with whether or not anyone wants to be subject to such power. Part of the reason why we fear rain is that every time it touches our head, we feel the power it holds. If you hold out the palm of your hand in the steady rain, it moves everywhere. The drops fall through your fingers, and flow along the cracks and creases in your hands. It covers the hair, the veins, the fingernails. It can anywhere it wants, an you are powerless to stop it. Yes, man should be afraid of the rain. Man should fear rain because man fears peace and quiet. Man should fear rain because man fears the responsibility of the water placed on his head in the name of God. Man should fear rain because man would rather end life than give life a new breath. Does rain give life?